[ID] bwg@useast.battle.net

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[ID] bwg@useast.battle.net

Postby Derrekle » Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:58 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 677038.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #4
Your Warcraft III Username: Derrekle
Violator's Warcraft III Username: bwg@useast.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Intentional feed
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Around 5:00
Any further thoughts: Intentional feed because of a noob titan and "the game is a joke". We can't votekick titan so the easiest way to end the game is to kill him quick but by feeding the titan, we aren't allowed to do so.

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Re: [ID] bwg@useast.battle.net

Postby Haunt » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:54 pm

@Derrekle I gotta wonder the same as pink, if you knew that there was a maphacker in your team, why didn't you request a ban on him? Double standards much, eh?

Anyway, bwg@useast.battle.net banned. Niacin (the hacker) is already banned.

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