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[LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:09 am
by Jiminy_Cricket
Replay Link: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #95
Game Name:
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hiv
Violated Rule(s): mh
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):

1100 pings perfectly where sky was.
3700 io to dg in fog.
4030 tries to tp rosh on sky but doesnt catch the dust right. He tped perfectly to save blue 5 mins before too. Sky couldnt even cast 4 spells in 2 secs by the time io came. He was clearly ready both times.
4450 flawless tp dust blink stun.
4625 knew to back away from pucks spell.
4635 backed away from sky too.
5330 he knew sky picked the gem up. What a joke.

Any further thoughts: He didnt lay a single obs ward the whole game with relocate.

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:26 am
by CheW
Yeah ban this cheater!

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 3:06 pm
by Jiminy_Cricket
can clearly mh toggle at will.

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:13 pm
by CheW
11:00 watch the replay and see the shadow thats clearly in my vision go up the ramp noob
21:42 I blink on noob skywrath (who was really bad) and go right instead of up because no sight
24:36 didnt go on pink when he had just lothars and I had dust even though he was right on top of me and just went into ww
29:55 relocate for random dust on where I thought noob gray (who was really bad) was going and completely miss
31:12 I miss another dust because noob gray (who was really bad) went up back into lane instead of down
35:20 I miss anotoher random dust because noob gray (who was really bad) went down instead of back into base
37:00 are you retarded? he was sitting there hitting tower for 30 seconds
38:00 Seriously? You attack blue, I relocate and heal him and own gray (who was really bad) and that is mh? And then I random dust again and miss everything after owning gray (who was really bad)
40:30 rosh at low life so I go in and random dust missing gray (who was really bad) and then kill green. Weird to check rosh when he is at 1/10 hp
41:08 I go towards middle lane and dust instead of right below me where puck is
44:30 another dust guessing where a hero is going that I miss..hmm.. seems to be a pattern here
44:50 noob gray (who was really bad) just killed a ward. and dust barely hit noob gray (who was really bad) maybe i have faster reflexes than noob gray (who was really bad)
46:05 is that ANOTHER dust that I missed thinking that green was caught in black hole?
46:30 lol right when i relocate he used wave of terror. and all were mia off mini map. its like you guys would farm woods cuz you have no map control

Thats as far as I'm going to watch

And I had vision of noob gray (who was really bad) picking up gem.

Jiminy bestest reporter evar!!!

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:03 pm
by Jiminy_Cricket
It's so easy to random dust to make it look like you dont mh. It's what you do when you worry about getting caught. Seen it a lot. Plus Hiv you just stack like a little kid. Mh plus stack. What a baby.

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:55 pm
by CheW
Poor Jiminy is triggered. Maybe we should look into all the death threats Jiminy makes? And the two votekicks he initiated in this game and the pausing?

edit: Oh and I didn't buy wards because gray (who was really bad) had sentries on him almost all game and pink had shadow dance. Plus I think 3 of them were invis and they had no map control

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:27 am
by tomonkey
jiminy have a history of accusing players for his happiness
im not saying HiV doesnt mh but you admin can double check for confirmation

i played HiV several time and sometime he seen suspicious too like his reaction at times are kinda obvious but again i know HiV is playing at high lvl so i wont assume he mh unless those high lvl are actually coming from the mh lol

but again its not guarantee he doesnt who knows :)

just that jiminy loses and instant rage report here and there so i had to make my opinion cus i play HiV several times too.

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:00 pm
by Jiminy_Cricket
HIV's reaction times have also triggered me to suspect him in many games. All game, just wow moments. I wouldn't have reported unless I strongly suspected him of mh. Hope I'm wrong. Would hate to see a good lod player get banned for a year, but much better than vsing a pro with mh.

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:58 pm
by FalenGa

Re: [LOD] HiV - mh

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:35 am
by FalenGa
Gains vision at 1100, then pings.
2500 teleports to DG, unaware of gray lurking in the woods.
3700 what fog?
4625 puck casted a spell while he was teleporting. Hard to miss that.
10 seconds later he was about to be relocated back, so yea.
5330 actually had vision of sky picking the gem.
