[DOTA] hawk_igor@USEast

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[DOTA] hawk_igor@USEast

Postby emaC » Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:28 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/8759756/
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #10
Your Warcraft III Username: cikare
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hawk_igor
Violated Rule(s): Game ruining.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): About 10 minutes in onward.
Any further thoughts: Refused to play with the team, went some god awful item build, and would rambo for most of the game. Anytime he died and we said something he would just type ":)"

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Re: [DOTA] hawk_igor@USEast

Postby Essenze » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:09 pm

Axe destroyed the two bot towers under 5minutes but gets ganked at 5:10, causing him to die.
@ 6:30-6:45 gets stunned tossed by Tiny and eventually dies to sb's charge
@ 12:20 Gets ganked alone by 3
@ 13:25 Tp's mid and goes into Sentinel (3-4). Gets killed right away.
@ 16:04 Gets ganked at Ancient creeps spot
@ 22:00 He's alone @ mid T3 tower of Sentinel, tanks it until he's very low hp but doesn't destroy it. SB charges him, would of died if he had dagger instead of loth..
@ 26:00 master_pain (jakiro) starts a vk against axe who just got ganked by sentinel again (alone). 2-8 score.

Other than being bad and having no HP as axe, I don't think he should be banned as all of his deaths did not actually look intentional.

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Re: [DOTA] hawk_igor@USEast

Postby BeerLord » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:53 pm

Agree with crows. He had an atypical build, but that's not banworthy. He knocked down a lot of towers, with the lothars giving him an escape button of sorts. He was ganked solo quite a few times, but he also was frequently with his team in ganks and in defense, and finished the game with roughly the same number of assists as everyone else.

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