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[LOD] jiminy_cricket

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:00 am
by bone98
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #85
Your Warcraft III Username: Frozenarchangel
Violator's Warcraft III Username: jiminy_cricket
Violated Rule(s): pull plug, pausing game causing lots of annoyance because he was feeding
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): roughly around 16-19 minute mark where he gave up.
Any further thoughts: This person is infamous in the lod community, and even though some of us rage at our teammates, he is known to be nasty on a whole another level. He should be banned for like 1 months or so from the game.

Re: [LOD] jiminy_cricket

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:24 pm
by CheW
I haven't seen it lately, but he used to PP all the time with the "econnreset" method when his team wouldn't FF with him

Re: [LOD] jiminy_cricket

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:22 am
by tomonkey
if instant ff fail all at once must then should he instant pp
same old cricket.

Re: [LOD] jiminy_cricket

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:39 am
by BonerBender
He just got done pausing the game over and over against me...ill go ahead and post up so these mods stop his raging every game. He got beat and raged.

Re: [LOD] jiminy_cricket

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:51 pm
by EdgeOfChaos
Request for the same user: viewtopic.php?f=24&p=415966

Both in the game above and in this game, he pauses a lot. It has less impact in the first game, but still shouldn't do it. (1)
In this game, he lies about the rules (2):

(13:55 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: ur banned\
(14:00 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: stacker
(14:05 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: i never see you not stack
(16:25 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: you report pink

in this game, he flames and says racist stuff (3):

(11:13 / Allied) Jiminy_Cricket: ward
(12:28 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: n igger lover
(14:13 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: bag of faggot dicks
(14:49 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: this is a fucking waste of my fucking time
(14:56 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: waste your fucking time
(15:07 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: who cares
(15:11 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: stacking fucking cunts
(16:30 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: ugly fucking asian
(18:49 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: oj m her
(19:11 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: dickless
(19:40 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: enjoy this

Very minor racism in the other game:
(25:49 / Allied) Jiminy_Cricket: noob asian
(27:29 / All) Jiminy_Cricket: killed by a noob asian

He also pulls the plug in this game. Ordinarily, it would be treated like a regular leaver and autobanned, but he has GProxy which gives 180 seconds until drop, which forces the players to votekick him. Autoban does not apply for votekicked users. (4).

He has a lot of bans for flaming/pausing already.
Banned 4 days - flaming, pausing, lying about rules