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[LTD] Multiple

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:19 pm
by TheSistersOfMercy
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #28
Your Warcraft III Username: sistersofmercy
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): TEAM KILL
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:

1st my team: Pls review his game. Not sending on 3lvl, not going lumberjack, sold 2x oveerseer, terrible troll build, leak all lvls, end game with huge minus score, ultra low value.
My whole team sending at16 lvl (not17).If we send right on 17 we will won that game but they send 16 for no reasons.


JM7 not voting to kick troll orange
Shaka not voting to kick troll orange. Also hes failure to send on 15 lvl.

Orcbukkake vk abusing on me
(22:47 / Allied) OrcBukkake: !votekick sisters
(22:53 / Allied) seized: !yes (Seized for voting)

Re: [LTD] Multiple

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:22 am
by Max-Well
First of all pls fill out the request correctly next time.

Now the case:

The "Teamkill-Rule" is for players ruin the game on purpose. Thats not the case here. termigator is just new to the game and did not know what to do. He started wrong so he was fucked up early. But he was spending his gold every round and builded units. And from what i could see he was sending with you (not every time the right units but he was sending). Yes he sold 2 overseer but only to build other units which he thought would be better. In the chat he explained that he was so bad:

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8:05            [Allies] termigator: im bad
8:09            [Allies] termigator: bad start
16:47    [Allies] termigator: shit happens bro

JM7 and Shaka did the right thing not to kick and JM7 gave the right explanation. It's against ent-rules to kick someone only caus he is new.

Code: Select all

22:01    [All] JM7: you just want to kick because is noob

In conclusion I say this request should be denied because i can't see any intentional teamkill or trolling.

But an admin coud consider to give sistersofmercy, hubba and maybe even D4lek a ban for votekick abuse. sistersofmercy and hubba started a votekick against termigator only cause he is bad. Futhermore sistersofmercy was lieing about the reason of the kick and about entrules. D4lek realised that he was just bad and not trolling but he voted yes anthough.

Some evidence from the chat:

Code: Select all

7:54            [Allies] SistersOfMercy: !votekick term
7:58            [All] SistersOfMercy: hes troll
8:36            [All] SistersOfMercy: hes troll like i said
10:26         [Allies] SistersOfMercy: he just breaking rule
10:31    [Allies] D4lek: Looks like he had a bad start
10:37    [Allies] D4lek: and isnt that good in this game
10:40    [Allies] hubba: 'orc warlock isnt overpowered in anyway
10:41    [Allies] D4lek: so wtf
15:25    [All] SistersOfMercy: !votekick ter
15:37    [Allies] D4lek: !yes
15:38    [Allies] hubba: !yes
18:24    [Allies] hubba: !votekick term
25:20    [Allies] hubba: !votekick term

In the end some advice:

If ure meeting a new player in the game don't insult or flame him. Type -rolls to see what he have and try to explain him what to build. Most new players follow ur instructions and are thankfull for the help.

Re: [LTD] Multiple

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:05 pm
by KiwiKiller[QQ]
After review:

No call was made for level 3, you guys just automatically sent. Player termigator missed this send, but since no call was made, it's fine.
Player SistersOfMercy starts randomly a votekick against player termigator. This votekick was illegitimate since player termigator didn't break any rules. He didn't refuse to cooperate with team and he received absolutly no help at all even though it was obvious he was newbie.
As for 16 send, it was awkward, but no call was made once again.

You initiated plenty of abusive votekicks even though there was no rule broken. Next time such thing happens, make sure to help the player instead of just starting a random votekick. Please read the rules on our wiki again to get acquainted with our rules. If someone from this game reports you, you will be banned.

Ban request denied. Processing.