This replay should be pinned as an example of how not to play this game really.
I don't really see a proper reason for ban even he was afk for a bit during 1 which resulted in late push , and inexplicably held back 300 g on 7 by not building nor pushing, but I'd say that just goes under weird/bad play. The solo send 3 he called for rs, no one really answered so he just sent. Can't really blame him if none of you replies to a call. After oj dc-ed he did start to troll with build, but again it didn't make any difference since the game was already 4v3 and over. Overall he is guilty for 1 minute or so of afk during wave on 1, which is hardly a ban reason, and bad play during 7, again not a reason for ban. The votekick thing, I'm not sure how that stands, it was a votekick without proper reason, although again it didn't produce any results.
Generally, hes guilty mostly of toxicity during this game, I think still not a ban reason and I'm really not trying to defend him, there is nothing he should be proud of in this game.
All in all, horrible game, tk king control by pink and of course shit attitude from the other team refusing to draw. If there is anything I've learned about this game is that game is almost never 100% won, people can always fail with build/sends, make bad calls, etc, so justifying not drawing because you will "100% win" is pure BS. It was possible some of them had hidden value/anti 15 rolls or something?
To be honest by what can be told from observers point of view Id say West would most likely win 15 but there is no chance they could have been 100% sure of it.
Congratz on elo I suppose