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Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 8:13 pm
by uint8_t
Replay Link: ... 336361.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #24
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): excessive flame / rage / insults throughout the whole game. Votekick abuse.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(06:24 / Allied) dontworry.: wake up purple mother fucker
(09:33 / Allied) dontworry.: go lumber mother fucker
(10:10 / Allied) dontworry.: to play with mother fuckers like will be lesss than that
(10:35 / Allied) dontworry.: damned
(10:42 / Allied) dontworry.: we need to kick this mother fucker
(10:54 / Allied) dontworry.: !votekick Mar <-- Voteban abuse (didn't get confirmed because there was no reason)
(11:27 / Allied) dontworry.: kick this sonm of bitch
(13:57 / Allied) dontworry.: 3/0 this son of btich it will be no sence to send
(16:49 / Allied) dontworry.: it sholud now... cuz this mother fucker were such a mother fucker noob
(19:16 / Allied) dontworry.: look at this son of bitch he is contniue trolling
(28:31 / Allied) dontworry.: dont full
(28:41 / Allied) dontworry.: stop
(28:42 / Allied) dontworry.: df
(28:42 / Allied) dontworry.: dfg
(28:43 / Allied) dontworry.: fg
(28:43 / Allied) dontworry.: df
Any further thoughts:
He also kept pinging my units all game.
In the early stages of the game he wanted me to leak units. I have no clue what was going on in his mind. I obviously didn't listen to him and kept playing normal. I did really well all game, got just as much lumber and value as everybody else. He somehow was mad at me for the rest of the game because I didn't do what he wanted me to do on turn 3.
He was really toxic and aggressive. He ruined the experience and the whole team was annoyed by him.
Because he got so mad, he also started to make decisions that weren't in line with the team. (We agreed that we should save for turn 7 but he upgraded the king instead.)
I tried to argue with him but he just kept insulting. I was pointing out why I disagree with him but he did not care about arguments.

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 8:22 pm
by PesteK
As a player in that game i can confirm that this person was really unpleasant to play with and was mean to mar1us for the whole game. He also didn't communicate at all after i told him to calm down:
(17:05 / Allied) PesteK: i already created one ban appeal today
(17:11 / Allied) PesteK: don't mind creating 2cd one
(17:12 / Allied) PesteK: for you
(17:33 / Allied) PesteK: i came here to have nice time
(17:36 / Allied) PesteK: play some games
(17:42 / Allied) PesteK: and you are just beeing an idiot
(17:45 / Allied) PesteK: flaming everyone.
Before that statement of mine he was making unresonable decisions that could lead to defeat of our team if we have had listened to him.

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 10:05 pm
by KiwiKiller[QQ]
Player [dontworry.] banned 5 days for flaming. 3rd offence.

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:51 pm
by Merex