[ID] mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com

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[ID] mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com

Postby Airsteelcity » Mon May 08, 2017 1:53 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 350655.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #51
Your Warcraft III Username: AirSteelCity@useast.com
Violator's Warcraft III Username: peach@uswest.com, mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com
Violated Rule(s): Peach@uswest.com(mcpanco45) killing team shelters, ghosting murttraz on discord, dodging.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (05:28 / All) Murttraz: oh my, pancho ghost my base at bay. Pancho ghosts Murttraz on discord my early base and didn't even pearl and knows I wall the back of my lumber bases. He pearled numerous feed locations that were closer and could nuke workers
(06:32 / Allied) pewpewfiretruck: lmao purple Peach/pancho king shelters.
(08:52 / All) pewpewfiretruck: i saw gob tk u orange
(11:49 / All) blasian365: ohn o
(11:53 / All) blasian365: purple hunter is coming
we told murttraz numerous times that gob was tking lumber bases and waited 6 minutes to vk him
(12:51 / All) Murttraz: i'll kick if everyone else do
(12:55 / All) Murttraz: i don't even know what hes doing
(12:58 / All) Murttraz: i'm not going to taren base xd
(08:17 / All) AirSteelCity: vk peach he tk
(09:22 / All) AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
09:25 / All) Murttraz: whats goin on
(09:28 / All) AirSteelCity: you know
(09:30 / All) ImGucci: he tk
(09:33 / All) Murttraz: i don't know lol
(09:34 / All) AirSteelCity: peach/pancho is tking
(09:49 / All) DonaldTrump: pancho was range banned
(09:53 / All) Murttraz: this game over anway
(09:53 / All) AirSteelCity: he vpns
(09:56 / All) AirSteelCity: its pancho
Any further thoughts: Mcpancho45 obviously dodges bans with vpns and @haunt and @lordmillt know this.
Mcpancho45 was playing wc3 and was in the discord chat with murttraz ghosting locations until murttraz got 2 kills. Murttraz had multiple opportunities to kill gobs hunter but passed by him. Murttraz obviously knew what was going on.
(09:22 / All) AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
09:25 / All) Murttraz: whats goin on
(09:28 / All) AirSteelCity: you know
(09:30 / All) ImGucci: he tk
(09:33 / All) Murttraz: i don't know lol

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Re: [ID] mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com

Postby Murttraz2 » Mon May 08, 2017 3:54 am

Ay bro don't involve me in this shit man, I didn't ever have a chance to kill the gob hunter. I never went to anyones base that was tking, don't involve me into this lmao. In the end I complied to the votekick and did it, legit half the game I had no idea what was going on, I was playing with DonaldTrump, not other dude. I swear man why does every ID ban have to involve me, it tires me out zzz. I will also say that I was never "ghosted" where do you see in that game that I was able to find builders through ghosting please show me where he ghosted me and I found players (it seems to me your dumbass along with everyone else base in the exact same spot every fucking game), I won that game fair and square and you know it, don't get me banned for this. I did nothing wrong.

@Hash I'd like you to review this and not another mod, don't trust them really.

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Re: [ID] mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com

Postby Haunt » Mon May 08, 2017 5:43 pm

It's kinda difficult to prove the ghosting. If you want, you can look at the replay and provide time stamps where you suspect of ghosting, I will not do that.

However, murtraz indeed refused to votekick the rule breaker.

9:16 [All] ImGucci: he tk
9:18 [All] ImGucci: kick him
9:22 [All] AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
9:23 [All] Xcvb: he team kills
9:25 [All] Murttraz: whats goin on
9:30 [All] ImGucci: he tk

murttraz@useast.battle.net, donaldtrump@useast.battle.net and treesap@uswest.battle.net banned for refusing to VK.

@Murttraz2 The reason why some people don't get banned for refusing to VK is because the enemy team has not told them what's going on. However, they clearly told you that peach was teamkilling. If they had lied, they would have been in trouble, not you. But since you refused to VK, you broke the rules. I really hope you are smarter than pancho and appeal your ban, or wait it out if you want.


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Re: [ID] mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com

Postby Haunt » Mon May 08, 2017 9:04 pm

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