[ID] mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com
Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 1:53 am
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 350655.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #51
Your Warcraft III Username: AirSteelCity@useast.com
Violator's Warcraft III Username: peach@uswest.com, mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com
Violated Rule(s): Peach@uswest.com(mcpanco45) killing team shelters, ghosting murttraz on discord, dodging.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (05:28 / All) Murttraz: oh my, pancho ghost my base at bay. Pancho ghosts Murttraz on discord my early base and didn't even pearl and knows I wall the back of my lumber bases. He pearled numerous feed locations that were closer and could nuke workers
(06:32 / Allied) pewpewfiretruck: lmao purple Peach/pancho king shelters.
(08:52 / All) pewpewfiretruck: i saw gob tk u orange
(11:49 / All) blasian365: ohn o
(11:53 / All) blasian365: purple hunter is coming
we told murttraz numerous times that gob was tking lumber bases and waited 6 minutes to vk him
(12:51 / All) Murttraz: i'll kick if everyone else do
(12:55 / All) Murttraz: i don't even know what hes doing
(12:58 / All) Murttraz: i'm not going to taren base xd
(08:17 / All) AirSteelCity: vk peach he tk
(09:22 / All) AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
09:25 / All) Murttraz: whats goin on
(09:28 / All) AirSteelCity: you know
(09:30 / All) ImGucci: he tk
(09:33 / All) Murttraz: i don't know lol
(09:34 / All) AirSteelCity: peach/pancho is tking
(09:49 / All) DonaldTrump: pancho was range banned
(09:53 / All) Murttraz: this game over anway
(09:53 / All) AirSteelCity: he vpns
(09:56 / All) AirSteelCity: its pancho
Any further thoughts: Mcpancho45 obviously dodges bans with vpns and @haunt and @lordmillt know this.
Mcpancho45 was playing wc3 and was in the discord chat with murttraz ghosting locations until murttraz got 2 kills. Murttraz had multiple opportunities to kill gobs hunter but passed by him. Murttraz obviously knew what was going on.
(09:22 / All) AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
09:25 / All) Murttraz: whats goin on
(09:28 / All) AirSteelCity: you know
(09:30 / All) ImGucci: he tk
(09:33 / All) Murttraz: i don't know lol
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #51
Your Warcraft III Username: AirSteelCity@useast.com
Violator's Warcraft III Username: peach@uswest.com, mcpancho45@useast.com, murttraz@useast.com
Violated Rule(s): Peach@uswest.com(mcpanco45) killing team shelters, ghosting murttraz on discord, dodging.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (05:28 / All) Murttraz: oh my, pancho ghost my base at bay. Pancho ghosts Murttraz on discord my early base and didn't even pearl and knows I wall the back of my lumber bases. He pearled numerous feed locations that were closer and could nuke workers
(06:32 / Allied) pewpewfiretruck: lmao purple Peach/pancho king shelters.
(08:52 / All) pewpewfiretruck: i saw gob tk u orange
(11:49 / All) blasian365: ohn o
(11:53 / All) blasian365: purple hunter is coming
we told murttraz numerous times that gob was tking lumber bases and waited 6 minutes to vk him
(12:51 / All) Murttraz: i'll kick if everyone else do
(12:55 / All) Murttraz: i don't even know what hes doing
(12:58 / All) Murttraz: i'm not going to taren base xd
(08:17 / All) AirSteelCity: vk peach he tk
(09:22 / All) AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
09:25 / All) Murttraz: whats goin on
(09:28 / All) AirSteelCity: you know
(09:30 / All) ImGucci: he tk
(09:33 / All) Murttraz: i don't know lol
(09:34 / All) AirSteelCity: peach/pancho is tking
(09:49 / All) DonaldTrump: pancho was range banned
(09:53 / All) Murttraz: this game over anway
(09:53 / All) AirSteelCity: he vpns
(09:56 / All) AirSteelCity: its pancho
Any further thoughts: Mcpancho45 obviously dodges bans with vpns and @haunt and @lordmillt know this.
Mcpancho45 was playing wc3 and was in the discord chat with murttraz ghosting locations until murttraz got 2 kills. Murttraz had multiple opportunities to kill gobs hunter but passed by him. Murttraz obviously knew what was going on.
(09:22 / All) AirSteelCity: murt type !yes
09:25 / All) Murttraz: whats goin on
(09:28 / All) AirSteelCity: you know
(09:30 / All) ImGucci: he tk
(09:33 / All) Murttraz: i don't know lol