[LTD] [LOD] [stazcharlie US EAST smalllandmine US EAST kamikazekidd US WEST]
Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 2:40 am
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 350872.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] legion td mega #13
Your Warcraft III Username: StazCharlie
Violator's Warcraft III Username: StazCharlie smalllandmine kamikazekidd
Violated Rule(s): Refusing to build in attempt to teamkill.
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Waves 1-3 very quikcly
Any further thoughts:
This is more of a self report on my self
i added the 2 other names for it could have been entirely avoidable
before i had noticed the game had started it was about 3 seconds before the wave starts and i tried to rush build a lod but i didnt make it.
not knowing what else i could do i notice that a teamate had started a vote to draw. kamikazekidd and Smalllandmine tries to persuade me saying i can
recover with the gold from king but all the gold the king gets is dispersed among all players in the game. So if we cant draw i asked if they could continue to kick me so i can not effect my team so much * at this point is where i proceeded to sell everything in a event to feed my team* and try to force a kick.
In the end those 2 were just being smart asses grabbing at any straws they could to win a game and it really did ruin the game for my team
i mean i also did ruin the game.
Game Name: [ENT] legion td mega #13
Your Warcraft III Username: StazCharlie
Violator's Warcraft III Username: StazCharlie smalllandmine kamikazekidd
Violated Rule(s): Refusing to build in attempt to teamkill.
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Waves 1-3 very quikcly
Any further thoughts:
This is more of a self report on my self
i added the 2 other names for it could have been entirely avoidable
before i had noticed the game had started it was about 3 seconds before the wave starts and i tried to rush build a lod but i didnt make it.
not knowing what else i could do i notice that a teamate had started a vote to draw. kamikazekidd and Smalllandmine tries to persuade me saying i can
recover with the gold from king but all the gold the king gets is dispersed among all players in the game. So if we cant draw i asked if they could continue to kick me so i can not effect my team so much * at this point is where i proceeded to sell everything in a event to feed my team* and try to force a kick.
In the end those 2 were just being smart asses grabbing at any straws they could to win a game and it really did ruin the game for my team
i mean i also did ruin the game.