[LTD] ban lord_pistov@europe
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:18 pm
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 631605.w3g
Game Name: [ent] legion td mega 1200+ #4
Your Warcraft III Username: WURSTUNDSENF
Violator's Warcraft III Username: lord_pistov
Violated Rule(s): Massive spamming pings on the map while im on the king! solo upping king and hard flame
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Flame: the the ingame chat
nearly end of round 5 solo upping because he is mad
end of round 5 massive pings
at lvl 7 massive pings
at lvl 10 massive pings
at lvl 14 start massive pings
Any further thoughts:
its hard to concentrate on king kontroll if one guy in the team spamming massive pings
this guy need a pause from ltd to get respect to other players
he not even should play 1200+
Game Name: [ent] legion td mega 1200+ #4
Your Warcraft III Username: WURSTUNDSENF
Violator's Warcraft III Username: lord_pistov
Violated Rule(s): Massive spamming pings on the map while im on the king! solo upping king and hard flame
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Flame: the the ingame chat
nearly end of round 5 solo upping because he is mad
end of round 5 massive pings
at lvl 7 massive pings
at lvl 10 massive pings
at lvl 14 start massive pings
Any further thoughts:
its hard to concentrate on king kontroll if one guy in the team spamming massive pings
this guy need a pause from ltd to get respect to other players
he not even should play 1200+