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[LOD] Ban for ghosting and afk

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:38 am
by kuv
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #9
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): ghosting, afk, abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 15:13-15:56
Any further thoughts: Right click on me, follow me around ghosting my position, ban please

Re: [LOD] Ban for ghosting and afk

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:53 am
by TrueLies
I wanted to create this thread but kuv was faster.

On top of this I would like to add player sandro_w:, for trash talking and abusing of votekick of player kuv. Both of them (nymus93 and sandro_w) were against kuv because he didn't want to pick spells they told him.
Ghosting and votekick abuse proofs:
(15:13 / All) nymus93: brown in our woods
(15:30 / All) nymus93: has no boots
(15:52 / All) nymus93: gıing to top tower
(15:56 / All) nymus93: goblin shop
(16:00 / All) nymus93: tleporting base
(16:38 / All) nymus93: brown bot lane

(15:58 / Allied) Sandro_W: !votekick kuv
(27:05 / Allied) Sandro_W: !votekick kuv
(28:53 / Allied) Sandro_W: !votekick kuv

Also, I tried to kick player nymus93 twice but it didn't happen, so I would like you to apply appropriate ban for players of Sentinel for not voting:
Btw, kopele is the only one who typed !yes first time I tried to votekick.

Re: [LOD] Ban for ghosting and afk

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:52 am
by Merex
Game ruiner banned.
Those who didn't votekick in the 2nd attempt (26 min) also banned.