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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:57 am
by Photon_man24
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #58
Your Warcraft III Username: Photon_man24
Violator's Warcraft III Username: undeadkingpr, danboom, gimme
Violated Rule(s): votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(50:03 / Allied) undeadkingpr: !votekick photon
(50:09 / Allied) gimme: !yes
(50:09 / All) fireelf90: Player [gimme] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(50:09 / Allied) danboom: !yes
(55:42 / Allied) undeadkingpr: !votekick photon
(58:44 / Allied) undeadkingpr: !votekick photo
(58:45 / Allied) danboom: !votekick
(58:48 / Allied) danboom: !yes
(58:48 / All) fireelf90: Player [danboom] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(58:53 / Allied) gimme: -yes
(62:53 / Allied) undeadkingpr: !votekick photon
(62:59 / Allied) danboom: !yes
(63:02 / Allied) gimme: !yes

Any further thoughts:
(59:00 / All) danboom: Kick him. He has higher health and damage than the titan
(59:04 / All) danboom: He is too op
(59:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: ^
(59:12 / Allied) Officersweetazz: mine
(59:18 / All) danboom: You arent allowed to actually get to that level
(59:25 / All) danboom: Its exploiting

Re: [ID],,

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:24 am
by Arcanium
After review.

Votekick Abuse
(50:03 / All) fireelf90: A votekick against player [Photon_man24] has been started by player [undeadkingpr]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(50:09 / All) fireelf90: PlaFer [gimme] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(50:09 / All) fireelf90: Player [danboom] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.

(50:22 / Allied) undeadkingpr: kick him
(50:25 / Allied) undeadkingpr: KICK HIS ASS

(55:42 / All) fireelf90: A votekick against player [Photon_man24] has been started by player [undeadkingpr]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas

(58:35 / Allied) undeadkingpr: KICK
(58:37 / Allied) undeadkingpr: THIS SATYR
(58:38 / Allied) undeadkingpr: KICK HIM

(58:44 / All) fireelf90: A votekick against player [Photon_man24] has been started by player [undeadkingpr]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(58:48 / All) fireelf90: Player [danboom] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.

(59:00 / All) danboom: Kick him. He has higher health and damage than the titan
(59:04 / All) danboom: He is too op

Here is an instance of lying about rules in order to try and get satyr kicked.

(59:18 / All) danboom: You arent allowed to actually get to that level
(59:25 / All) danboom: Its exploiting
(60:09 / All) danboom: sat, just leave
(60:25 / All) danboom: Its not even reasonable for you to be that high
(60:40 / All) danboom: And he could 1v1 you right now and bust your ass
(62:06 / All) danboom: only chance you have left titan is yellow. bottom left

(62:53 / All) fireelf90: A votekick against player [Photon_man24] has been started by player [undeadkingpr]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(62:59 / All) fireelf90: Player [danboom] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(63:02 / All) fireelf90: Player [gimme] voted to kick player [Photon_man24]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.

(63:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: !yes
(63:07 / Allied) undeadkingpr: !yes
(63:08 / Allied) undeadkingpr: TYPE !YES
(63:13 / Allied) undeadkingpr: SATYR IS STRONGER THAN TITAN!
(63:14 / Allied) undeadkingpr: KICK HIM!
(63:16 / Allied) undeadkingpr: KICK HIM!

(14:12 / Private) undeadkingpr: go top left
(14:15 / Private) undeadkingpr: blue base
(14:17 / Private) undeadkingpr: ton of feed
(14:24 / Private) undeadkingpr: base to the right of very top left
(14:27 / Private) undeadkingpr: hurry
(14:29 / Private) undeadkingpr: he towering it
(15:28 / Private) undeadkingpr: top left
(15:31 / Private) undeadkingpr: TOP LEFT
(15:34 / Private) undeadkingpr: HUGGGE FEEED

(66:42 / All) undeadkingpr: bottom left
(67:01 / All) undeadkingpr: YOU CAN WRECK THAT JEW
(67:02 / All) undeadkingpr: OGOGOGOG

(32:40 / Private) danboom: satyr is following you. buy a pearl to make him visible to you

(62:06 / All) danboom: only chance you have left titan is yellow. bottom left

So this was a big one, and undeadkingpr himself seems to manage to always get himself into deep trouble.

This game undeadking broke several rules. Votekick abuse, flaming, ghosting... Considering has has a very hideous history of bans with all different variety (flaming/spamming, tk, ghosting, votekick abuse) even in the not so distant past, he obviously never learns from his actions. With having a previous ban of 4 months, I will issue a ban of 6 months this time.
As for danboom who participated in majority of votekicks, ghosting, intentionally feeding, minor flaming, and lying about rules, I will ban him 7 days.
gimme will be banned 12 hours as a warning for voting !yes in abusive votekicks.



Re: [ID],,

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:18 am
by Jabba41
User dodged, processing

@redmercedes Tag oversight next time you issue such long bans, thanks.