[LTD] nykjaer, krypton-, Yeah.Whatever

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[LTD] nykjaer, krypton-, Yeah.Whatever

Postby quigon » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:00 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=9944541
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #76
Your Warcraft III Username: sdmk
Violator's Warcraft III Username: nykjaer, krypton-, Yeah.Whatever
Violated Rule(s): lying about rules, afk
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):teal just was afk since game started
Any further thoughts: at the start of game pink asked about 1 min and blue unpause it 3 times, then when he saw about teal's afk he said that other team have to wait or ban (lye about rules 1).
after that at 3:26 red lyed about rules "actually it is bannable to not draw an afk game"
at 05:08 nykjaer lyed again "its agianst the rules to pause with out reason"

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Re: [LTD] nykjaer, krypton-, Yeah.Whatever

Postby KiwiLeKiller » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:01 pm

After review:

Player [Krypton-] should be banned for AFK. He was AFK from minute 0 until 03:49.

Player [Yeah.Whatever] lied about rules:
(03:26 / All) Yeah.Whatever: actually it is bannable to not draw an afk game
(03:40 / All) Yeah.Whatever: ive been banned before

He should be banned for lying about rules.

Player [nykjaer] also lied about rules:
(01:28 / All) nykjaer: rules says you have to (pause)
(01:31 / All) nykjaer: no reason
(01:38 / All) nykjaer: I will report you for the pause at start
(01:42 / All) nykjaer: enjoy ban
(04:50 / Allied) nykjaer: idiot I unpaused other team pause without reason
(04:57 / Allied) nykjaer: wish is illegal to do

He should be banned for lying about rules too.
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Re: [LTD] nykjaer, krypton-, Yeah.Whatever

Postby Quetra » Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:01 pm

Krypton- banned 3 days for afk, Yeah.Whatever/nykjaer 1 day for lying about rules.

Thank you for review @Kiwi


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