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[LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:54 pm
by Lord-Miles
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #42
Your Warcraft III Username: Lord-Miles
Violator's Warcraft III Username: i_hate_g00ks
Violated Rule(s): votekick abuse.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (09:44 / Allied) i_hate_g00ks: !votekick lord
(09:44 / All) anorexia11: A votekick against player [Lord-Miles] has been started by player [i_hate_g00ks]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(13:06 / Allied) i_hate_g00ks: !votekick lord
(13:06 / All) anorexia11: A votekick against player [Lord-Miles] has been started by player [i_hate_g00ks]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
Any further thoughts: i dont get it when this guy will learn that theres no rule about lane calls. NOT HIS first time doing votekick abuses about that.

Re: [LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:40 pm
by hatred
u're such a plague... really
u called woods then ancients
then u took my middle lane for no reason because u want so

thats called gameruining
provoke me then report?

sure a nice strategy

lets see your next game ... 030576.w3g

(21:13 / Allied) Lord-Miles: !votekick one
kicking noob because you where so angry

id gladly get a ban with you just to make our community clear from your poison for a couple of days

Re: [LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:42 pm
by Lord-Miles
After all that i asked for mid but no , so i just went you were useless whole game and i was the one who carried you , about that votekick this dude feed too much whole game.

Re: [LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:20 pm
by hatred
after all u asked shit
at least stop fucking lying
get some balls and dignity to say the truth

00:04 / Allied) anorexia11: woods
(00:10 / Allied) Lord-Miles: nono
(00:11 / Allied) Lord-Miles: i am woods
(00:20 / Allied) Lord-Miles: I DONT CARE
(00:21 / Allied) Lord-Miles: WAHT YOU SAID
(00:22 / Allied) Lord-Miles: I Said woods
(00:24 / Allied) Lord-Miles: fuck off
(00:33 / Allied) anorexia11: sry
(00:39 / Allied) Lord-Miles: WHAT SRY

(01:27 / Allied) Lord-Miles: i am telliong him that i go woods
(01:30 / Allied) Lord-Miles: hes telling me sorry
(01:31 / Allied) Lord-Miles: lahahha

after that u where going for ancients
and then at the last moment u changed ur mind and SAID to me

(03:37 / Allied) Lord-Miles: give me mid

that was not asking

03:44 / Allied) i_hate_g00ks: mid is called
(03:52 / Allied) Lord-Miles: no i go mid
(03:55 / Allied) i_hate_g00ks: no u dont
(03:59 / Allied) Lord-Miles: we will see
(04:00 / Allied) Lord-Miles: ;)

SO go find another fool to trust your bullshit dude

U came to mid stole my xp and farm ruined my game totally
and dare to talk that u have pulled me?
bitch please.....

Re: [LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:22 pm
by hatred
dear entgaming admins please make this woderfull community clear of this lying cursing gameruining toxic behaviour person.
thank you

Re: [LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:37 pm
by BeerLord
locked until review

Re: [LOD] i_hate_g00ks

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:06 pm
by CheW
This is a waste of time. Both of you need to grow up. VKs had no impact. Miles stop flaming. Ban request denied