[ltd] hermit, suumpmolk

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[ltd] hermit, suumpmolk

Postby Ferox » Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:00 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/customstats/legio ... /10081724/
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #54
Your Warcraft III Username: youknowmehboii
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hermit, suumpmolk
Violated Rule(s): hermit = Teamkill (King Control on lvl 5) , suumpmolk = false rules and flaming
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):

after pink left the game he tried to lie about the rules
(04:29 / All) Suumpmolk: Draw and report
(08:39 / All) Suumpmolk: Reporting enemy team
(08:41 / All) Suumpmolk: Fuck you all
(08:58 / All) Suumpmolk: If a guy trolls/leaves
(09:01 / All) Suumpmolk: And enemy team doesn't draw
(09:03 / All) Suumpmolk: u get banned
(09:06 / All) Suumpmolk: so

(10:19 / All) Suumpmolk: Fucking niggers
(11:38 / All) Suumpmolk: Get aids teal
(11:43 / All) Suumpmolk: I hope your mother dies of cancer

Any further thoughts: usually i don't bother about angry people but what yellow guy says should be punished i think.

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Re: [ltd] hermit, suumpmolk

Postby Karils » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:39 am

suumpmolk banned 2 days for the above (lying about rules to try and get a !draw)

hermit took king and chose to not target sends/actually control king.

hermit banned 2 days for the above and trying to force ff while doing so:

(09:21 / Allied) Hermit: !ff
(09:27 / Allied) Hermit: !draw
(09:29 / Allied) Hermit: ?
(09:46 / Allied) Hermit: green solo send
(10:13 / Allied) Hermit: go ff
(10:17 / Allied) Hermit: green
(10:19 / All) Suumpmolk: Fucking niggers
(10:24 / Allied) Hermit: green
(10:29 / Allied) Hermit: !ff
(10:31 / All) omnipotento: Player [Suumpmolk]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(10:33 / Allied) Cubulx: !draw
(10:37 / Allied) Hermit: !draw
(10:42 / Allied) Hermit: !ff
(10:46 / Allied) Hermit: green
(10:47 / Allied) YouKnowMehBoii: they have immo :D
(10:48 / Allied) Hermit: !ff
(10:51 / Allied) YouKnowMehBoii: or no
(11:08 / All) YouKnowMehBoii: tk reporting:)
(11:20 / All) Hermit: 4v3
(11:22 / All) Hermit: fuck


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