[HELLHALT][hmander@asia.battle.net; bestdriverz@asia.battle.net; |c00ff4000n|no@europe.battle.net; delicken@europe.batt]
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:30 pm
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10186856
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #8
Your Warcraft III Username: Sky.
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hmander, delicken, bestdriverz, |c00ff4000n|no, |c00ffbd00bob
Violated Rule(s): hmander: failed to announce ''dm'' mode in lobby (lobby), refused to kick a troll (20:09), insulted and trolled me(32:54, 33:03, 33:14, 34:09). Delicken: trolled, pushed lumber instead of building (from round 3 and onward), knowing very well he would leak (probably did so to get an advantage to other team); solo sent several rounds (from arena and onward), insulted me like hmander (23:23, 27:29, 34:14). B0b: impersonated an admin (33:39) Bestdriverz: refused to kick troll (20:09). |c00ff4000n|no: refused to kick troll (20.09)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): See above.
Any further thoughts: lobby chat log: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/dow ... 186856.txt // except B0b, they were probably doing that on agreement.
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #8
Your Warcraft III Username: Sky.
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hmander, delicken, bestdriverz, |c00ff4000n|no, |c00ffbd00bob
Violated Rule(s): hmander: failed to announce ''dm'' mode in lobby (lobby), refused to kick a troll (20:09), insulted and trolled me(32:54, 33:03, 33:14, 34:09). Delicken: trolled, pushed lumber instead of building (from round 3 and onward), knowing very well he would leak (probably did so to get an advantage to other team); solo sent several rounds (from arena and onward), insulted me like hmander (23:23, 27:29, 34:14). B0b: impersonated an admin (33:39) Bestdriverz: refused to kick troll (20:09). |c00ff4000n|no: refused to kick troll (20.09)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): See above.
Any further thoughts: lobby chat log: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/dow ... 186856.txt // except B0b, they were probably doing that on agreement.