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Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:28 am
by Riordian
Replay Link:
Game Name: LTD
Your Warcraft III Username: Riordian
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): insane unfair play. Didnt kick / did unpause when we had perma afk on lvl 1
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): lvl 0 / 1
Any further thoughts: We had a afk guy at game start. Teal unpaused after we told him we got afk just to harm us (he actually even said it in chat). He didnt kick as well. He already flamed us in lobby for some reason continously. Guys like him deserve a ban imo. PLZ also ban our afk guy (

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:07 am
by entername
I can unpause game whenever I want I don't think there is a rule that states that game has to be paused .. I didn't kick round 1 because I am not sure if you're trolling and trying to kick your teammate because they didn't cross with you. I believe after 5 mins of AFK then you're able to kick a player .. I notice after round one he was AFK then I did type !yes but you guys type !ff from not my fault ...

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:48 am
by Riordian
You saw all his units leak on lvl 1. I even told this to you. This proves that we had 1 afk. you even said that you want us to lose because we got higher elo...Youre just toxic

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:13 pm
by Merex
Player dealt with.

Additional note(s):
No ban enforced on Teal => No rule against unpausing.
No ban(s) enforced on the refusing to votekick => Visual evident isn't clear until the votekick expires. Should another votekick had been issued instead of the forfeit, it would've been valid if there were no !yes from the West Legion.