[LTD] templar30@server.eurobattle.net - Antistuck

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[LTD] templar30@server.eurobattle.net - Antistuck

Postby Bea12386 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:10 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10323759
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 323759.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #23
Your Warcraft III Username: H4MM3R
Violator's Warcraft III Username: templar30
Violated Rule(s): Antistuck

Must be used on your stuck units.
Cannot be used to kill-steal your teammate. (Using anti-stuck on units in the middle is allowed.)
Cannot be used to delay or prevent units from teleporting to king with the intention to hide units or to aggro units away from king.
Cannot be used in an attempt to make sends go directly to the king by avoiding towers in a cross.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Start on 3:39 to 3:40

(03:40 / All) H4MM3R: kick pink
(03:45 / Allied) m4x: warum ?
(03:47 / All) VenomBG: why?>
(03:48 / Allied) H4MM3R: !votekick templ
(03:48 / All) yesimnew: A votekick against player [templar30] has been started by player [H4MM3R]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(03:48 / All) yesimnew: Type !yes to vote.
(03:48 / All) yesimnew: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(03:50 / Allied) m4x: lass noch 13 senden
(03:50 / All) H4MM3R: he as
(03:55 / Allied) PERKELELE: !yes
(03:55 / All) yesimnew: Player [PERKELELE] voted to kick player [templar30]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:56 / All) H4MM3R: steal my gold
(04:02 / Allied) VenomBG: lol :D
(04:08 / All) templar30: i did no such thing
(04:14 / All) H4MM3R: he prevent my units for port
(04:17 / All) H4MM3R: and steal boss gold
(04:22 / All) H4MM3R: kick him
(04:24 / All) H4MM3R: guy
Any further thoughts:
Templar said that he had no problem with a ban because of TK or the like, since he knows some admins. Sry, but if friends and admins were to override the rules set by ENT, it would be a pity for the reputation.
(00:00 / Allied) m4x: 7/2 pink
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: nope
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: denied
(00:00 / Allied) yesimnew: -2
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: pink plays tk
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: pfff
(00:00 / Allied) yesimnew: no
(00:00 / Allied) m4x: teamkiller
(00:00 / Allied) yesimnew: stop telling everyone what to do
(00:00 / Allied) m4x: he WONT hold
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: y he ignore to push
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: ..
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: well
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: i can show you
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: the meaning of tk
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: by accidentally selling my units
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: wow you want a ban for tk ? rly ?
(00:00 / Allied) m4x: -.-
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: tt
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: im gonna be unbanned
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: in 1 day
(00:00 / Allied) H4MM3R: whats wrong with you
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: i happen to know some admins
(00:00 / Allied) templar30: sucks to you

I therefore ask for a corresponding ban period against Templar30 and no possibility of unban.
The rules of ENT must apply to all and not just to the ' normal ' players on the bots.

Also, that he goes "Holder 7" and 2 of the team don´t want it has a form of TeamKill... [size=200][size=200][/size][/size]

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Re: [LTD] templar30@server.eurobattle.net - Antistuck

Postby m4x » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:50 am

I was in this Game too, this player is really toxic... Go and play 1v1, this is a teamgame and with him in team its rly not fun!

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Re: [LTD] templar30@server.eurobattle.net - Antistuck

Postby Merex » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:09 pm

Player dealt with.
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