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[DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:38 pm
by UltraKill
Replay Link: ... 413259.w3gGame Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #19
Your Warcraft III Username: furion[k:d]
Violator's Warcraft III Username: killerblade@entconnect afk at fountain, everyone else refusal to kick afk (except DontRunFromMe)
Violated Rule(s): AFK at fountain, refuse to kick AFK
Time of Violation (in-game):
16:00 meepo suicides at enemy tower
18:00 meepo suicides bot
after that afk until the end of the game
Please ban everyone else for refusal to kick afk. I initiated many votekicks and wrote reason in chat many times, but nobody even reacted except thrall (DontRunFromMe). Meepo was the reason we lost and if we had him kicked there would be more gold for us and less 1 thrower.
Any further thoughts: at first I was gonna report him for AFK, but after viewing the replay I noticed there was also suicides which I didnt notice in game. Considering its 1200 ELO player with positive kdr I think such play is unacceptable.
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:32 pm
by killerblade
I alt tabbed a little bit i don't deny it but not intentinoally i had something urgent i was lagging and went to check the net page afk ban time is 5 minutes and i was lagging went to fix my net i came back and guess what i still had more lvls than you .. you're the afker then .. also min 23-25 you afked for 2 minutes.. nobody kicked me because i had more lvl than you did
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:38 pm
by killerblade
.. ban afk time is 5 minutes .. you afked more than i did at min 23-25 .. you afked for 2 minutes dumbass can't wait for your report to get rejected so i can humiliate you with private messages
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:19 pm
by UltraKill
He was lowest level in game playing meepo, and solo mid. Dont listen to him.
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:17 am
by killerblade
I wasn't solo mid you kept ksing me and teleporting to my lane and late game i was the only one defending i died that's why you were only ahead of me by 1 level you're furion and you kept jungling and ksing that's the only reason you were highest level .. afk ban time is 5 minutes show me where i afked for 5 minutes or gtfo you afked more than i did you're reporting me and 7 other players you're a dumbass they didn't kick me because i had fair level if i was an afker i would be down by much more in terms of lvl
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:51 pm
by stewingbeef
I call BS on killerblade. I've played numerous games against him where he picks geo, gets countered, then sits in fountain because he can't adjust. ... 349557.w3g - Goes afk after he doesn't get mid and gets kicked within first 5 minutes. ... 356004.w3g - Kicked after losing mid and going afk. ... 413440.w3g - Kicked after first 5 minutes going afk. ... 255178.w3g - Kicked after feeding 1-7 then going afk. ... 241461.w3g - kicked after multiple afk's and flaming team.
need I go on?
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:27 pm
by killerblade
I already served my time for most of these games one of them infact i was booted by -kickafk command and the autoban banned me I was already banned for a week prior to 2/23/2018 dumbass quit bringing month old games bring in games during the last week if you didn't report prior to that then you're an idiot if the players i played with them didn't report me you can't report me
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:15 pm
by stewingbeef
I'm not the one reporting you. I'm just stating a point of your obvious gameplay
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:30 pm
by killerblade
How come my elo is way higher than yours then? cuz that's everyone's gameplay even the guy who reported me afked more than i did in this very game lmao you're telling me you haven't afked a single game? give me your account and ill pull up enough games to shove them in your sister's ass where you have afked ..
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:16 pm
by killerblade
i just played a game with you and you don't wanna help ent you want its destruction you spent entire game not defending but using dagon on a guy you kept teleporting to our fountain and using dagon on him a guy who had 300 elo probably a plant and got 1/18 for his score so as a result ur team lost and u only cared about death kill ratio and getting more kills and didnt help ur team at all so dont talk about team play and not helping team when u are a shitty team player
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:26 pm
by stewingbeef
Lol what are you even talking about? You didn't just play a game with me I'm not even home.
You don't even know my account. Post the replay so I can disprove you.
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:33 am
by nitromon
I avoid playing with killerblade. He is one amazing geo player, I have to admit. But when he's not playing geo, he absolutely refuses to help team and has 0 concept of teamplay. This is why his elo and KDR does not match his actual gameplay. He basically sucks with other heroes and then he boots his stats with geo once in a while. So when he is in the game you have 2 issues. 1) he's on the other team and picks geo. You'll be wasting your time chasing his geo play b/c all he does is tp and push and avoid fights. 2) he's on your team and he doesn't pick geo, you have basically a game ruiner that doesn't help, avoids fights, etc...
Now that I think about it, regardless of what he plays, he simply has no team play and refuses to help teammates.
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:32 am
by killerblade
@stewingbeef i was referring to the maker of this topic (furion[k:d])
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:03 am
by hydroponicTango
Side note. Killerblade is also a very abusive player and constantly makes derogatory comments towards both opposition and team mates family members (generally sister) especially when he does not get his own way. I also refuse to play with this player as his maturity level is extremely low and I play this game for enjoyment, not to have a player constantly abuse talking. As stated by others, he also sulks and game ruins if he doesnt get his own way. Poor attitude player.
Re: [DOTA] [killerblade@entconnect ]
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:48 pm
by BeerLord
geo afk from 1520-1732, from 1920-2040 in lane, where he gets ganked and killed.
2101-2413 afk at fountain then tps one clone to secret shop and is afk there.
Multiple recent bans:
viewtopic.php?t=124428viewtopic.php?t=124183viewtopic.php?t=123640viewtopic.php?t=123340All in the last 2 months.
killerblade banned 3 weeks for afk/game ruin.
Two legit votekick attempts initiated.
UrFunny, olocc, Silokombajn, benny_jke, ryu, and Canceroso all failed to vote on both of them and are each banned 2 days.