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[NWU] lao)g(

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:30 pm
by Ryuk
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] NWU -sdsm #72
Your Warcraft III Username: Ryuk
Violator's Warcraft III Username: LAO)G(DZHI-DZHI
Violated Rule(s): trolling
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): min:36 he just fan me to get gold from creeps. min45:trying to ks ashura. min53: he watches how our team geting owned.
Any further thoughts: not his first game by trolling whole time. a couple of times he fan our team just to troll.

Re: [NWU] lao)g(

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:01 am
by Merex
Dealt with.

Note: 53 minutes is voided in this decision => He did participate for most. Wasn't until the final 30 seconds of the fight he backed away and by the looks of it, looked like a lost fight.