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[DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:33 am
by pearson
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #57
Your Warcraft III Username: DonaldT
Violator's Warcraft III Username: poketmongo + dnwns11 + altqqplz + ArkadeK + St.sisi + Ang3l[Of]D34D
Violated Rule(s):

1- poketmongo: Admin impersonation + Feeding couriers

Admin impersonation = ... 445503.w3g @ (34:35 / Allied) & (36:05 / Allied) + the chat before/after it

Feeding = from 25 minutes of the game until 42 minutes ( buying couriers and sending it to opponents feeding them gold )

2- dnwns11: Claiming that he knows the rules & he knows he will ban evade using many IP addresses & fail to votekick ... 445503.w3g @ (39:00 / All) dnwns11 & the chat after it

3- altqqplz + ArkadeK + St.sisi + Ang3l[Of]D34D: Fail to votekick

After several votekick chances, and after 15 minutes of feed, they've been giving one last chance to votekick the offender @ (38:11 / All)

None of them voted to kick

4- altqqplz specifically has been saying to his allies " do not kick him, he is giving us mass gold " @ (33:22 / Allied)

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 25 minutes+ (for feeder) 28 minutes+ (for failing to votekick)
Any further thoughts:

1- The timestamps have been taken from ... 445503.w3g

2- Not sure what happened to ENT community, I've never seen a game with such amount violations and game ruine. Such people shouldn't be allowed to play on ENT at all

Re: [DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:50 pm
by pearson
Other related threads about poketmongo with his abusive behaviors:



And god knows how many games he ruined without anyone reporting him

Re: [DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:04 pm
by Sev
I was in a lobby with this guy once and he ignored his whole team in the lobby before the game started. He also ignores most players in this game in the beginning and often unignores them just to flame them. The chat in this game by him is so toxic. And add the admin impersonation, imho this guy should be banned at least 3-4 days considering this isn't his first offense. I think when a mod reviews this they should also make note of his constant ignoring of teammates.

Re: [DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:46 am
by monkeyrush
ignoring teammates isnt against the rules though?

looks as though DonaldT is purposely trying to annoy people even though teammates are saying they aren't blaming him nor addressing him with the specific chat. his response "it doesn't matter" & "shut up" repeatedly.

and then goes on to say:
(09:33 / Allied) DonaldT: your opinion
(09:35 / Allied) DonaldT: doesnt matter to me
(09:39 / Allied) DonaldT: so shut up
(09:40 / Allied) DonaldT: or i ban u

...isn't that admin impersonation...because i'm pretty sure DonaldT has no admin.

Re: [DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:06 pm
by pearson
monkeyrush wrote:ignoring teammates isnt against the rules though?

looks as though DonaldT is purposely trying to annoy people even though teammates are saying they aren't blaming him nor addressing him with the specific chat. his response "it doesn't matter" & "shut up" repeatedly.

and then goes on to say:
(09:33 / Allied) DonaldT: your opinion
(09:35 / Allied) DonaldT: doesnt matter to me
(09:39 / Allied) DonaldT: so shut up
(09:40 / Allied) DonaldT: or i ban u

...isn't that admin impersonation...because i'm pretty sure DonaldT has no admin.

There is a different between explicitly claiming to be admin ( like saying " I am admin " ) which is what poketmongo did, and between threatening to get someone banned because they broke the rules.

The point of what you quoted is = If you break the rules in my games, I can ban you through reporting you.

And he was breaking the rules by feeding & being a toxic player.

There is no admin impersonation there, If you're going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass

Re: [DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:28 am
by monkeyrush
You clearly state “shut up, or I ban u”. You aren’t saying you will get them banned through a brq. You are saying you have the power to ban. you can try and twist that all you want to fit your narrative.

You purposely were trying to annoy your teammates. Also you carried on later in the game saying you were proud of trolling your teammates and pissing then off.

So you wanna be uncooperative and a dick then cry foul when someone else does it. Lol

Re: [DOTA] poketmongo@useast feeding for 20 minutes & Admin impersonation / players refusing to VK

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:31 am
by BeerLord
2630 arkasha sells his items and feeds couriers.
(34:33 / Allied) PoketmonGo: u are banned
(34:35 / Allied) PoketmonGo: i already banned u
Also abuses votekick multiple times.
poketmongo banned 7 days for game ruin/item sale/admin impersonation/vk abuse.

Multiple votekick attempts initiated.
Ang3l[Of]D34D, St.sisi, ArkadeK, dnwns11, and llI-WINNAZ are all banned 2 days for failure to votekick game ruiner.