[LOD] gaz-a!!! MH
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:20 pm
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 474365.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #25
Your Warcraft III Username: KilAzoR
Violator's Warcraft III Username: https://entgaming.net/openstats/lod/pla ... %21%21%21/
Violated Rule(s): Maphacking
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): around 2min uses mines uphill when mirana come to dmg her perfectly in time but had no vision
around 2:50 pick up haste but prefer to go kill not visible for him medusa (farming ancients) than gang top (easier kill)
around 5:30 also weird
around 6:50 goes for roof but he back he still walking near him
17:00 - pushing bot easy (knows none around
35:40 - hardcore maphack after this mh move i decided to watch replay carefully and report him( guy just follows me in invis 5 sec 400 range behind me then blink PERFECT at my position and uses AOE spell to kill
37:45 - goes apparently at roof to secret shop without vision
38:53 - know mirana coming w8 for her and kill
50 - weird movement
52:45 again hard mhing - controlling us in the distance for 2 min without any vision/ward, knows when 1 coming or more just obvious mhing like at 35:40
58:20 he see orange goiing secret shop
58:45 fights pitlords when he alone but when 2 more guys coming 1krange after him he goes back
Any further thoughts: I have played many games vs him and always had the feeling he mh but was too lazy to watch replays and report. But that game this asian mher got felt too confident and definietly catched on mhin 35:40 and 52:45 actions prove it.
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #25
Your Warcraft III Username: KilAzoR
Violator's Warcraft III Username: https://entgaming.net/openstats/lod/pla ... %21%21%21/
Violated Rule(s): Maphacking
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): around 2min uses mines uphill when mirana come to dmg her perfectly in time but had no vision
around 2:50 pick up haste but prefer to go kill not visible for him medusa (farming ancients) than gang top (easier kill)
around 5:30 also weird
around 6:50 goes for roof but he back he still walking near him
17:00 - pushing bot easy (knows none around
35:40 - hardcore maphack after this mh move i decided to watch replay carefully and report him( guy just follows me in invis 5 sec 400 range behind me then blink PERFECT at my position and uses AOE spell to kill
37:45 - goes apparently at roof to secret shop without vision
38:53 - know mirana coming w8 for her and kill
50 - weird movement
52:45 again hard mhing - controlling us in the distance for 2 min without any vision/ward, knows when 1 coming or more just obvious mhing like at 35:40
58:20 he see orange goiing secret shop
58:45 fights pitlords when he alone but when 2 more guys coming 1krange after him he goes back
Any further thoughts: I have played many games vs him and always had the feeling he mh but was too lazy to watch replays and report. But that game this asian mher got felt too confident and definietly catched on mhin 35:40 and 52:45 actions prove it.