[DOTA] nevergiveup gatsby91 whyareyousonoob zexe eyes_of_fury

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[DOTA] nevergiveup gatsby91 whyareyousonoob zexe eyes_of_fury

Postby NJELRC » Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:15 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 481506.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #5
Your Warcraft III Username: pallasator
Violator's Warcraft III Username: nevergiveup gatsby91 whyareyousonoob zexe eyes_of_fury
Violated Rule(s): gameruin item sell refuse to defend vk refuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):8-9mins techs sells and buys branches 16-23mins gyro grief fount 25-end of game pink refused to help and ruin
Any further thoughts: Techs sold all items bought mass branches then left the game , pink then stayed at fount refused to defend for over 5 mins then pink even told the other team he was ruining and also spent the whoel time in the forrest or not defending many vk's to vk pink who was ruining 3 of the other team refused to kick

nevergiveup gatsby91 whyareyousonoob
Refusal to votekick over 5 kick attempts when it was clear what he doing we told them in chat they could also see him ruining to and he even said him self in chat he ruining

multi gameruining

sold items bought mass branches then left

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Re: [DOTA] nevergiveup gatsby91 whyareyousonoob zexe eyes_of_fury

Postby BeerLord » Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:49 am

1107 techies sells his items then leaves
recent ban for item steal: viewtopic.php?t=121890
Eyes_of_Fury banned 5 days for game ruin/item sale.

gyro afk from 1635-1723, 2136-2528. For remainder of game does not play with team, farms woods, does not push with team, nor defend.
previous ban for same: viewtopic.php?t=125372
zexe banned 5 days for afk/game ruin/failure to cooperate with allies.

Regarding votekicks:
First attempt no reason was given.
Second attempt: (45:18 / All) Pallasator: he refusing to come ot jungle
However, a few seconds before that he met pitlord at sentinel ss and shot missle at him. So this does not appear to be true from sentinel standpoint.
Third attempt no further reason or discussion was given.
Fourth attempt: (48:49 / All) ajunae: he stays fountain
This was said when he was defending bottom rax, so again sentinel players were reluctant to trust you.

No bans for failure to votekick.

Crystal maiden also with prolonged afk until kicked.
lamoureaux banned 3 days for afk/game ruin.

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