[LTD] smurfgirl@asia.battle.net
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:10 pm
Replay Link: http://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10488110
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #1
Your Warcraft III Username: cross_or_merge
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Smurfgirl
Violated Rule(s): Before level 1 Smurfgirl built a nightmare on orange area for crossing but orange didnt agree and built his lord of death on his area , after level 2 Smurfgirl said orange sold all towers now or he would sell all towers, and finally orange sold but yellow still sold all towers, yellow had 0 value and orange got less than 100 value. Moreover, yellow kept antistuck pink's elite archer when lanes were cleared, to prevent them running mid to protect king for several times in level 3, 4, 5, at last we lost level 5.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): It should be since level 1 as orange didnt agree with crossing and orange built lord of death while yellow built nightmare behind orange lord of death, and then before level 3 sold all towers, and level 4 and 5 abused antistuck units.
Any further thoughts: The worst thing was he kept antistuck pink units so that they couldnt come to mid and thats why we lost in level 5 with elite archer cross. It is even worst than if he raged quit or was afk with 0 value, he jsut wanted to destroy the game. I may not submit ban request if he was jsut sell all towers, but he ruined the game too much and sure he wont be happy after doing that too. I hope he could get ban for a long period, so that he could think deeply whether he really wanted to play and enjoy the game
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #1
Your Warcraft III Username: cross_or_merge
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Smurfgirl
Violated Rule(s): Before level 1 Smurfgirl built a nightmare on orange area for crossing but orange didnt agree and built his lord of death on his area , after level 2 Smurfgirl said orange sold all towers now or he would sell all towers, and finally orange sold but yellow still sold all towers, yellow had 0 value and orange got less than 100 value. Moreover, yellow kept antistuck pink's elite archer when lanes were cleared, to prevent them running mid to protect king for several times in level 3, 4, 5, at last we lost level 5.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): It should be since level 1 as orange didnt agree with crossing and orange built lord of death while yellow built nightmare behind orange lord of death, and then before level 3 sold all towers, and level 4 and 5 abused antistuck units.
Any further thoughts: The worst thing was he kept antistuck pink units so that they couldnt come to mid and thats why we lost in level 5 with elite archer cross. It is even worst than if he raged quit or was afk with 0 value, he jsut wanted to destroy the game. I may not submit ban request if he was jsut sell all towers, but he ruined the game too much and sure he wont be happy after doing that too. I hope he could get ban for a long period, so that he could think deeply whether he really wanted to play and enjoy the game