[DOTA] atman glitch abuse

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[DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby Letbell » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:57 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 523742.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #2
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username: atman
Violated Rule(s):

Glitch abuse

Time of Violation (in-game or replay):

Code: Select all

(10:25 / All) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp napalm oil + urn bug bat
(22:46 / All) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp bat using bug again
(34:01 / All) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp bug abuse
(41:01 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: !time bug abuse
(42:05 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp bug abuse

Any further thoughts: Using urn while napalm oil is a glitch that can deal over 700 damage alone with 1 set of combo. He kept the urn throughout the game, and I rarely see him using it to heal his allies; hence this is intentional.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby Kappa » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:27 pm

I have reviewed the replay. Since some players believe that this is not a bannable bug, I did some research and found this forum page.


Batrider rushes urn. Starting item build: 2 gauntlets + urn recipe + tango + clarity.

1:58 - Batrider finishes urn before grabbing brown boots. This was my first warning that Batrider might be attempting to abuse glitch and gain early urn charges (urn is a common item however).
5:41 - Batrider recieves his first urn charges.
6:34 - Uses urn charge to try to heal self but dies.
7:10 - Uses urn charge offensively on Undying. 1 stack of Napalm. No bug abuse. Afterwards, Timbersaw is low and Batrider uses urn to heal teammate.
8:36 - Uses urn charge offensively on Windrunner. No Napalm stack. No bug abuse. At his point, Windrunner accuses Batrider of bug abusing. However, at this time Batrider clearly has yet to abuse (in a way that would alter outcome of the game).

(10:25 / All) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp napalm oil + urn bug bat

9:39 - Uses urn charge offensively on Doombringer and kills. 1 stack of Napalm and appears to be standard Batrider play. No bug abuse. However, it is more difficult to tell on Doombringer as his skill gives him HP regen.
11:20 - Uses urn charge to heal Timbersaw before entering a fight.
15:15 - Uses urn charge offensively on Doombringer. 1 stack of Napalm. No bug abuse.
15:30 - Uses urn to heal himself.
20:50 - Uses urn offensively against Undying. 2 stack of Napalm. Does not appear to do a significantly extra amount of damage where I would classify it as game breaking but it is a close kill that was helped by Napalm. Batrider benefitted from the slow of Napalm allowing him to get more auto attacks in.

(22:46 / All) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp bat using bug again
(22:55 / Allied) Graou: ^^
(23:01 / Allied) phlogen_: its not a bug ><
(23:07 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: it is
(23:08 / All) atman: !timestamp bat using ur mom for bug
(23:11 / Allied) Hitch-Hiker: take top
(23:16 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: ENT ruled that it was a bug a week ago

31:03 - Uses urn charge offensively against Gryo. 2 stacks of Napalm. Does not appear to do a significantly extra amount of damage. Gryo was dead here regardless.
31:23 - Uses urn charge offensively against Doombringer. 2 stacks of Napalm. Does not appear to do a significantly extra amount of damage.
32:10 - Uses urn charge offensively against Windrunner. 1 stack of Napalm. Does not appear to do a significantly extra amount of damage.
Yet to see this 1.3k damage.
(34:44 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: napalm oil + urn is a bug
(34:52 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: it stack damage up to over 1.3k

35:53 - Uses urn charge offensively against Doombringer. 2 stacks of Napalm. Does help Batrider get the kill but damage does not appear significantly extra. Uses urn to heal self afterwards.
37:15 - Batrider picks up radiance. This is interesting because my guess is Napalm would increase the damage output of radiance as well as urn. Could this be the reason for the radiance of Batrider pick up?
38:30 - Uses urn twice to heal self
39:15 - Uses urn offensively against Undying. 2 stacks of Napalm. Close kill. Napalm increased damage combined with urn + radiance might have been the difference here. Although most likely Batrider could've chased down Undying with blink. Uses urn to heal self afterwards.

(41:01 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: !time bug abuse

39:20 - Batrider uses urn offensively against Windrunner. 1 stack of Napalm. Another close kill. Once again damage increase from Napalm combined with urn + radiance might have been the reason Windrunner dies.

(42:05 / Allied) Sitting_Duck: !timestamp bug abuse

41:34 - Batrider uses urn offensively against Undying twice. 1 stack of Napalm. Undying narrowly escapes.

No more time stamps are given by OP and this trend continues throughout the game. Batrider gets 1-3 stacks of Napalm on a target then uses urn throughout the entire game along with having radiance later.

The longer the game goes on, it seems more apparent that Batrider might be trying to abuse Napalm. I find it hard to imagine that Batrider was unaware that his Napalm was causing extra damage through urn considering Sitting_Duck pointed it out multiple times and the Batrider rushed urn and eventually picked up a radiance. Additionally, Batrider never sells the urn despite having enough gold to pick up much stronger items which shows me he sees a lot of value in the item even late game. Added up over the game, the extra damage from Napalm was likely large. However, I never saw Batrider insta kill anyone by stacking up many Napalms, so I am unsure whether to call this gameruining.

I feel that I am not experienced enough to give an opinion on this. I hope my post/timestamps will aid the moderators come to a decision as aRt)Y pointed out this is judged by a case to case basis. Sorry I couldn't be more help to you, but I do understand your frustration.

Edit: I neglected in my post to discuss Batrider's skill build which raises more concern. Batrider chooses to max sticky Napalm first and gets ultimate Flaming Lasso at level 8. Batrider sees the most value in Napalm of all his skills possibly due to the urn interaction.
Last edited by Kappa on Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby nitromon » Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:36 pm

This is one of those fuzzy areas that needs to be updated. Is it a glitch or is it not? I was told numerous times, "unless it is mentioned in the ban wiki, it is allowed." That being said, would like to see this updated in the wiki.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby IFightForHumans » Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:29 am

Hmm just played vs a bat and was getting rekt by an urn build and was wondering what was going on. You guys won anyways so not in wiki I guess deal with it.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby FalenGa » Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:02 am

It is on the wiki.

6. Do not purposely glitch or exploit the game.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby monkeyrush » Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:31 am

So does that mean people that use slark glitch on map edges to escape half way across the map is bannable as well?

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby nitromon » Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:43 am

FalenGa wrote:It is on the wiki.

6. Do not purposely glitch or exploit the game.

Can there be a more specific list?

In the forum provided above where the discussion took place, it concluded it was a glitch. But unless someone specifically use the forum search function for that article, there is no way to know especially when it was pretty well debated issue.

monkeyrush wrote:So does that mean people that use slark glitch on map edges to escape half way across the map is bannable as well?

This brings an interesting point! When slark uses a lothar, he gets pretty much all the benefits of his ult - extra speed, hp regen, etc... was that the intended benefit? Or is that a glitch? I'm pretty sure the transference of those benefit to an item is NOT the original intent, like the urn with bat's oil. This should also be bannable if we're staying consistent to what "is" a glitch and what "isn't." This opens a can of issues of anything in which a hero's ability affects an item's ability in a way that only benefits that specific hero.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby FalenGa » Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:55 am

monkeyrush wrote:So does that mean people that use slark glitch on map edges to escape half way across the map is bannable as well?

Yes, that is a bannable glitch.

nitromon wrote:Can there be a more specific list?

No. There are god knows how many glitches, and we can't/won't list them all.

If it's a bug/glitch, exploiting it will get you banned. It's as simple as that. Our rules are based on common sense, and common sense should be applied to every situation.

We are getting out of topic here, tho. Please post in the appropriate sub-forum, if you wish to continue this discussion.

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Re: [DOTA] atman glitch abuse

Postby Rain- » Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:15 pm

This is indeed somewhat of grey area. However it is glitch user is banned 2 days as warning for first time glitch however if this continues ban will be longer

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