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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:32 pm
by hehstuchmore
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #48
Your Warcraft III Username: ballsforyoubaby
Violator's Warcraft III Username: dingshangwangsa
Violated Rule(s): illegal anti-stuack at lvl 10 (to make bosses change target from king to units to buy some time)
at 12lvl+ he sold his units (from cross side) and went build alone his lane.
at 17lvl he wanted to troll team and dont send with us (even after we all agree to send some rounds ago & also arleady sent)
Negative attidue...

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:54 pm
by Ben_T
DingShangWangSa used anti-stuck to keep orange's units from reaching the middle. This was to make the leaked units attack the king, then have orange's units spawn into the middle, making the leaked units back track from the King. This use of anti-stuck abuses the intended mechanics and gave the East Legion an unfair advantage. Then, he got mad at orange and decided he wanted to stop crossing at Level 13. Finally, on level 17 DingShangWangSa sent with the team.
Level 10 - Anti-stuck casted on an ancient wandigoo and a pyro, casted a second time on the same units
Level 13 - Decides he doesnt want to cross anymore, sells his units on his side and upgrades his 2 Orc Warriors on cross side to Wolverines and builds 2 Watchers and an Orc Warrior
Level 14 - Upgrades Orc Warrior to Wolverine and builds 2 more Orc Warriors, one on his original side and one on his cross side
Level 15 - Upgrades Orc Warrior on cross side to Wolverine, sells orc warrior on original side, and builds 4 more Orc Warriors on cross side
Level 17 - DingShangWangSa sent with the rest of the team, he sent a demon and kraken

After reviewing the replay, DingShangWangSa solo sent once, but it was by accident because he was trying to send for the previous round and it had very little impact on the game. He stopped crossing with orange at Level 13, however this had little impact on the game and it showed no intent of ruining the game. All that said, he used the anti-stuck mechanic for an unintended purpose.
Ban for abuse of the anti-stuck mechanic

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:39 pm
by hehstuchmore
Fair enough.

Re: [LTD]

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:18 am
by Quetra
Agree with Ben

Banned 5 days (2nd offence)