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[LTD] anti-stuck abuse

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:56 pm
by barktooth
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #24
Your Warcraft III Username: barktooth9
Violator's Warcraft III Username: picksedophile
Violated Rule(s): used anti-stuck on creeps for mid delay
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): level 12
Any further thoughts:
after he held one lane at 12 he used anti-stuck on fighters for more time on king. thats costed us a game.

Re: [LTD] anti-stuck abuse

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:06 am
by sl4ck
both nosario & picksedophile deserve a ban as they did use antistuck in order to delay units porting to the king in order to aggro units away from the king

Re: [LTD] anti-stuck abuse

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:32 am
by DingShangWangSa
I am PickSedophile - I would just like to say that it was NOT my intention. I wanted his units to catch my leaks and that is all. I would never antistuck to cause a delay as that is against the rules.

I said in game that I was trying to catch my leaks and he simply didn't care or listen - if you read chat he was really abusive so idk....

Re: [LTD] anti-stuck abuse

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:24 am
by sl4ck
DingShangWangSa wrote:I am PickSedophile - I would just like to say that it was NOT my intention. I wanted his units to catch my leaks and that is all. I would never antistuck to cause a delay as that is against the rules.

No you didnt try to catch leaks.

1. You were blue, building top since you were value in a cross. After clearing top lane your units went down to port to king so they would have caught any remaining units anyway.
2. Your first antistuck happens well after units reach king area and you used AS a 2nd time too, so delay couldnt have been an issue.
3. Any flaming is irrelevant when considering your AS abuse. If you feel you got flamed excessively, feel free to post your own ban request though.

Poor excuse @DingShangWangSa , better just stick to the rules next time

Re: [LTD] anti-stuck abuse

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:01 am
by TrueChaos
"Can not be used to delay or prevent units from teleporting to king with the intention to hide units or to aggro units away from king."

00:27:53 Antistuck confirmed on blue.

00:28:01 Antistuck confirmed on blue.

00:28:12 Antistuck confirmed on red. is banned for anti-stuck abuse. (3 days) is banned for anti-stuck abuse. (3 days)

Thanks for the report!

Code: Select all

27:01 <PickSedophile> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: -5806.77, Y: 1583.16, flags: 0x0040)
27:08 <PickSedophile> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: -5675.96, Y: 44.31, flags: 0x0040)
27:19 <Nosario> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: -5536.58, Y: 479.66, flags: 0x0040)