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[DOTA] Maphacker -

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:09 pm
by Champ
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #82
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): Maphacking
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): See below
Any further thoughts:

Hello Admins,

I hope I do this maphack reporting right, please see below.

(replay timer)
11:15 after catching cm, switches directions as soon as someone tps to T2 tower without seeing the tp
15:15 (slightly suspicious) instead of lasthitting the tower goes into woods where never was just done farming
15:40 (slightly suspicious) retreats through top instead of bottom where silencer is walking
16:00 (slightly suspicious) blindly casts and hits, but doesnt follow as others are approaching in fog
17:25 pings bot where never is alone, but also some creeps, but, however, retreats just when nevermore tps away in fog
23:10 stops uphil while running to bot rune cause someone is approaching in fog
34:30 was on his way to mid when never blinked to rosh, we had warded rosh and would see if someone's coming. Kunkka says "let's rosh" and turns around

Throughout the game he often "stopped" and it looked like he was having a look at the minimap to plan has next action. Also, he hasn't been ganked once when reaching out far in a lane.

It would be nice if you guys could have a look at it since he is actively playing at the moment.

With kind regards,

Re: [DOTA] Maphacker -

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:40 pm
by Vaylen
User is maphacking under new acc


Re: [DOTA] Maphacker -

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:24 pm
by BeerLord
(734.2 KiB) Downloaded 35 times
840: backs from nevermore approaching from fog, then as soon as nm turns up, kunka reverses course and moves to gank low health pudge.
1114: retreating along woods adjacent to bottom tier 3 tower, but reverses course and moves upward when storm tps in front of tower in fog.
1418: Looses vision of phantom lancer adjacent to goblin merchant. At 1425 blinks and starts to move towards pl. At 1431 pl tp's away, and kunka
is clearly aware of this and moves to attack creeps instead.
1510: tower almost dead, full wave of creeps, and instead moves directly at nevermore who is creeping nearby in fog.
1531: stalking silencer in woods but turns around and backs as pl and pudge approach in fog.
1714: looses vision of nevermore in bottom lane. At 1722 pings directly on his unseen position. Moves to gank, and nm initiates tp at 1725, and kunka
turns back at 1727.
2306: moving towards river and rune but stops and waits, clearly aware storm is approaching area from fog. When storm becomes visible moves to
3435: pings rosh after nevermore blinks unseen to rosh and states lets rosh.

Also much maphack evidence in this game:

teacher banned one year for maphack.

(440.41 KiB) Downloaded 43 times

(734.2 KiB) Downloaded 35 times

At 1455, while sitting in woods stalking an unseen bara, bara charges and before gaining vision of him he moves slightly up to get away from the line of charge and then back down, casting stun and catching bara mid charge.

Re: [DOTA] Maphacker -

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:57 pm
Does this give the validity that a new MH has been created for the latest patch? I thought we were all MH-proof with the latest patch.

Re: [DOTA] Maphacker -

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:46 pm
by Panopticon
There's always a new maphack made hours or days after a patch is released.

Re: [DOTA] Maphacker -

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:48 am
by Unitil
User dodged, counting as confirmed.


TID: 131438
