[DOTA] housingent@uswest.battle.net and Non-Voters
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:35 pm
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/10996088/
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #31
Your Warcraft III Username: binvollgemault@europe.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: housingent@uswest.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Feeds gem, others don't votekick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): see below (chat file time)
Any further thoughts:
Dear admins,
The user above states "they need a gem", buys a gem and drops it on the floor.
Starts playing more reckless than before.
(22:42 / Allied) housingEnt: I think they need a gem
(24:14 / All) housingEnt: come grab your gem near rosh
(26:35 / All) BinVollgemault: gem feed, votekick
It was very clear he throws, when stating he will feed a gem or at least after he did in 26:39
Two votekicks initiated, voted:
(24:30 / Allied) BinVollgemault: !votekick hous
(24:33 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [durgel] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(24:40 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [doctor_who] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:00 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [fudge] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:30 / All) BinVollgemault: A votekick against player [housingEnt] has expired.
(26:35 / All) BinVollgemault: gem feed, votekick
(26:39 / Allied) durgel: !votekick hous
(26:39 / All) BinVollgemault: A votekick against player [housingEnt] has been started by player [durgel]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to
(26:41 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [BinVollgemault] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(27:39 / All) BinVollgemault: A votekick against player [housingEnt] has expired.
Not voted:
Kind regards,
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #31
Your Warcraft III Username: binvollgemault@europe.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: housingent@uswest.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Feeds gem, others don't votekick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): see below (chat file time)
Any further thoughts:
Dear admins,
The user above states "they need a gem", buys a gem and drops it on the floor.
Starts playing more reckless than before.
(22:42 / Allied) housingEnt: I think they need a gem
(24:14 / All) housingEnt: come grab your gem near rosh
(26:35 / All) BinVollgemault: gem feed, votekick
It was very clear he throws, when stating he will feed a gem or at least after he did in 26:39
Two votekicks initiated, voted:
(24:30 / Allied) BinVollgemault: !votekick hous
(24:33 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [durgel] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(24:40 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [doctor_who] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:00 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [fudge] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:30 / All) BinVollgemault: A votekick against player [housingEnt] has expired.
(26:35 / All) BinVollgemault: gem feed, votekick
(26:39 / Allied) durgel: !votekick hous
(26:39 / All) BinVollgemault: A votekick against player [housingEnt] has been started by player [durgel]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to
(26:41 / All) BinVollgemault: Player [BinVollgemault] voted to kick player [housingEnt]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(27:39 / All) BinVollgemault: A votekick against player [housingEnt] has expired.
Not voted:
Kind regards,