[LTD] [D1srupt@uswest + gloomy + howtomove +hell-net]
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:36 am
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/customstats/legio ... /11027678/
Game Name: [ent] legion td mega #0
Your Warcraft III Username: SickPedophile
Violator's Warcraft III Username: D1srupt@uswest + gloomy + howtomove +hell-net
Violated Rule(s): D1srupt was just complete troll, as you saw he solo send 1 + 2 +5 + 6. Sold all units on 2. wouldn't build etc. and the other 3 wouldn't votekick him even though they could see it was pure troll
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all throughout the game
Any further thoughts: d1srupt completely ruined the game - the other 3 just wanted the win, as they said. So I dunno.... a good lengthy ban would be nice seeing their complete lack of care for the rules.
Thanks admins, you guys do an awesome job!
Game Name: [ent] legion td mega #0
Your Warcraft III Username: SickPedophile
Violator's Warcraft III Username: D1srupt@uswest + gloomy + howtomove +hell-net
Violated Rule(s): D1srupt was just complete troll, as you saw he solo send 1 + 2 +5 + 6. Sold all units on 2. wouldn't build etc. and the other 3 wouldn't votekick him even though they could see it was pure troll
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all throughout the game
Any further thoughts: d1srupt completely ruined the game - the other 3 just wanted the win, as they said. So I dunno.... a good lengthy ban would be nice seeing their complete lack of care for the rules.
Thanks admins, you guys do an awesome job!