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[LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:33 pm
by Hoebell
Replay Link: ... 031007.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #9
Your Warcraft III Username: Klaa.Hoebell
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Merkel88
Violated Rule(s): VK Abuse 4-5x 11,20,22,23,Saving game 19, not sending in Team/grief/tk lvl 10, flame/forcing to follow tk calls 10, ghosting 13 19
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): see on any further
Any further thoughts:

11:54 / Allied) merkel88: !votekick klaa
20:25 / Allied) merkel88: !votekick klaa
22:22 / Allied) merkel88: !votekick klaa
22:55 / Allied) merkel88: !votekick klaa

Telling enemies our plans (Ghosting)
13:24 / All) merkel88: this total baboon wanted to furmit
19:34 / All) merkel88: go ban me for ghosting too (he know hes ghosting and still do Purpose)

09:57 / Allied) merkel88: shut up you total mega Retard

Forcing Team (we have no Option):
11:06 / Allied) merkel88: im selling towers
11:08 / Allied) merkel88: if you send
(19:41 / All) merkel88: by purple
(19:45 / All) merkel88: im selling towers

Saving game:

on min 19

Re: [LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:34 pm
by Hoebell
Second behaviours in 3 days. Same situations from him

Re: [LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:08 am
by ultralord1337
Thanks for taking the the time to report yourself. Please watch the replay for some comedy gold.

Preview: (11:14 / Allied) Klaa.Hoebell: warchief and lod rape 8

Re: [LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:45 am
by Hoebell
@ultralord1337 where i reported myself ? u called send round 8, u know this is tk call but Team followed u. I send aswell cuze i know i have to send if Team decide to send ?!

But u dont send 10, btw troll send on last second mass dinos and no furb no mass Nothing. thats bannable and u know u did alot bannable Things this game.

Have a nice day

Re: [LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:19 am
by ultralord1337
I assumed 10 was income send, which it was. Grand total of 0 king leaks.

Enemy had lod, blaster and spitter with unknown spel and this junkee wants to go full 7+10. Team thought he was retarded and I can’t imagine admins making any orther conclusion either. Together with his toxicity and epileptic king control he made the game feel like 3v5 to us. I’d like to have Skaa put on an indefinite time-out, untill he sorts out his dosage.

Thank you,

Re: [LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:40 pm
by Hoebell
If u really think i tked or some like this report me. But its no reason for u to break 5-6 rules in one game... u deserve ban and u know im right.

Re: [LTD] Ban Merkel88

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:06 am
by AmnoN
merkel88@Europe banned 10 days for repeated VK abuse (2nd offense - 3 days), save abuse (2nd offense - 1 day), refusal to cooperate (not sending with team on 10 - 3 days), ghosting (3 days)