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[DOTA] ihadsexwpudge@uswest yoda@uswest

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:10 am
by me_leva_nager
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ent] dota apem us/ca #17
Your Warcraft III Username: darklord666
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ihadsexwpudge / Yoda
Violated Rule(s): delay of game
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): pre game lobby
Any further thoughts: does not have the map downloaded and chose to repeatedly join and leave the game 4 times delaying the start of the game on purpose. Also the player yoda joined the game at least 3 times as well and deserves the delay ban to.

First time-
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has joined the game
[System]: Players still downloading the map: ihadsexwpudge
[ihadsexwpudge]: im gonna join this 50 times and
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[ihadsexwpudge]: leave in countdown
[ihadsexwpudge]: stackers get to wait 20 min
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

Second time-
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has joined the game
[ihadsexwpudge]: ahhhhh goood
[ihadsexwpudge]: here we go
[ihadsexwpudge]: yup this game will never start'
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

Third time-
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has joined the game
[ihadsexwpudge]: ahhhh goood
[ihadsexwpudge]: stackers still here
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

Fourth Time- (this is when i warned him)
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has joined the game
[darklord666]: light blue if you leave again im reporting you delay of game
[ihadsexwpudge]: hahaha kid
[ihadsexwpudge]: u gonna tell ur mom too?
[darklord666]: dont be rude its against the rules
[darklord666]: if you leave again
[System]: *** player [ihadsexwpudge] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

Not to mention he did not have the map downloaded so it took him an extra 45sec-1min to download the map every single time he joined to delay it even longer. As i said before the player yoda@uswest also joined and left the game 3 times as well during the countdown.

Re: [DOTA] ihadsexwpudge@uswest yoda@uswest

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:46 am
by BeerLord
[ihadsexwpudge]: im gonna join this 50 times and
ihadsexwpudge banned 2 days for delaying game in lobby.

Not sure yoda's was purposeful, so not banning him.