well lets start with the TK build you say AMacRae
LVL 1 until 3 all is fine LVL 4 starts

lets see over all buildson east team its 2x eng /grey/komodo mix with revs icetroll and spitt(both eng mix, tho still weak 5)
(06:32 / Allied) Viking: any reason why you ob oj?/(06:38 / Allied) Viking: you wont hold shit with that/(06:58 / Allied) jaesang: green u cover 90leak
nothing bad here you were bad 5 and he coud hold hold 5 (maybe leaks sends max in sace they send 5 )
+he start eng at start and after sell them so he try something else
LVL 6 7 he staying low too hold 7 and 8 and also 10 since he was the only 10 holder on team
meanwhile east team ask player Jaesang too push while he is 2/0 , he respond i go push if you have plan
(07:51 / Allied) AMacRae: got no tank for that troll even
(07:54 / Allied) jaesang: stop teach ty
(07:56 / Allied) AMacRae: and never worth before 10
(08:08 / Allied) AMacRae: -king
(08:35 / Allied) AMacRae: we immo
(08:36 / Allied) AMacRae: push
(08:39 / Allied) jaesang: ik
(09:42 / Allied) jaesang: say it ur plan then
(09:44 / Allied) jaesang: 7after
(09:46 / Allied) jaesang: how keep heal
09:58 / Allied) AMacRae: so you want to be 2/0 on 8
(10:00 / Allied) jaesang: even 7 -2
(10:03 / Allied) jaesang: n
(10:13 / Allied) jaesang: i must save heal 7/10
(10:14 / Allied) AMacRae: then push we immo
(10:22 / Allied) AMacRae: and kill 2 lanes?
(10:28 / Allied) jaesang: 2x engi dont enough wood?
(10:29 / Allied) AMacRae: so we then have 2x suicide lanes
(10:32 / Allied) AMacRae: and you have 0 income
(10:37 / Allied) jaesang: y
(10:41 / Allied) jaesang: fastgame
(10:46 / Allied) ludacris: i`ll 10 holder
(10:50 / Allied) AMacRae: please push
(10:50 / Allied) jaesang: ur plan
(10:53 / Allied) jaesang: just 14 die
(10:56 / Allied) jaesang: and 13too
(11:04 / Allied) AMacRae: dont know plan yet
(11:10 / Allied) AMacRae: but never should you be 2/0 with those units
OK THIS goes too player AMacRae , i if i get it right you have 2xeng mix that is not good 5 7 8 9 10 ,game was fast sadly for you guys
1grey with oure that was also weak 8 10 (vs send )and you ask player jaesang too push so he end up dead also with no plan how you sayd it
and one more thing you sayd he kill 2 lanes? how so, game was fast how is this hes fault?
ok move on about GHOSTING now
player jaesang DID ghost 1 eng build since ( they saw the other one at lvl 2 leaks, so they didnt know about second eng)
(14:53 / All) jaesang: we team want 3x dead land/(14:59 / All) jaesang: with 2x engi
player Mynameisbond ALSO ghost players jaesang push at LVL 8 (funny how you say (15:24 / All) Mynameisbond: AND now he telling units
and after you do same thing about hes push (16:31 / All) Mynameisbond: he was 4-0 here . all would hold

so he break a rule and you follow , it doesnt matter if game were too end or not or anything , you both ghost here
(17:12 / Allied) AMacRae: stop all chat oj/(17:17 / Allied) AMacRae: game is not over
LVL 9 + flames/1 says up king / other unt inc
you had 4 heals , with no leaks 12 13
and player AMacRae (27:54 / Allied) AMacRae: just mass revs mate its 99%16 send and you ask him too go revs
you did really bad calls also on this game no plan no nothing so for say player jaesang TEAM KILL you all 3 did , the only guy who was out of this and play normal was player Viking
As for the KC was bad (was easy too surv it imo )
jaesang and Mynameisbond are both banned 3 days for ghosting(towers/push)
Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.