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[DOTA] lucker
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:38 am
by NotTodarjr
Replay Link: Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #79
Your Warcraft III Username: irondwarf
Violator's Warcraft III Username: lucker & sent team
Violated Rule(s): game ruin/sold my items/refusal to kick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 3 min and on
Any further thoughts: gave up early, sold my parishables from circle, refused to defend rax, sent was made aware and refused to kick him as the opposing team always does, just a bunch of smartass comments instead, refusal to kick should be banned along with his ruin
Re: [DOTA] lucker
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:43 am
by blueflagon
There's plenty of evidence to the contrary as well as his own team refusing to votekick. If your team votes to kick the player I would believe you maybe. He was farming as a carry, had decent items, saw him gank pudge top and win lc a duel. Was also actively trying not to be killed. I don't see him being a thrower and having only your word to go on how do we know you are in fact not the troll and he is??
Re: [DOTA] lucker
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:44 am
by blueflagon
if anything you should get a little reminder about being nice to new players and not abusing votekick
Re: [DOTA] lucker
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:46 am
by NotTodarjr
nothing but smartass comments after we told you, sk told you too so it was not just me, also he attempted to vk me and I was visible all game, so I wonder who was trolling, actually being legit about it now that it is posted, don't be a douchebag next time in game and you don't have to worry about defending yourself, simple.
Re: [DOTA] lucker
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:50 am
by EdgeOfChaos
Lucker is a notorious game ruiner and deserves a long ban.
Refusal to defend rax around 24 minutes replay time
Never joins teamfights after first votekick until 29 minutes
Refusal to defend again around 30 minutes
Yes he did sell a tango and a clarity potion but its like 170 gold it's not that important
Votekick abuse: (10:39 / Allied) Lucker: !votekick iro
(20:27 / Allied) Lucker: !votekick skee
I don't know whether the non voters should or shouldn't be banned tbh.
lots of spam and flaming and its possible they didn't believe in good faith, also possible they just wanted the easy win.
Re: [DOTA] lucker
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:51 am
by BeerLord
820 mort takes allies' items from his circle and sells them.
(08:57 / All) IronDwarf: he destroyed his own
The second statement is not true. How can you expect people to trust your word when you say things that are not true?
(10:39 / All) CreamyGumDrop: A votekick against player [IronDwarf] has been started by player [Lucker].
(20:27 / All) CreamyGumDrop: A votekick against player [SkeetSkeet] has been started by player [Lucker].
Abusive votekick attempts.
viewtopic.php?t=130177viewtopic.php?t=131172viewtopic.php?t=123767viewtopic.php?t=112314viewtopic.php?t=107213viewtopic.php?t=112314lucker banned 3 weeks for game ruin/item steal/vk abuse, multiple offenses.
No bans for failure to vote.