[DOTA] Review of beerLord decision
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:37 pm
Replay Link:
Game Name:
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s):
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
I want this reviewed by another mod before i can complain about it. And this should ofc not be one of the mods friends.
/Add i just reviewed the processed requests, and it seems that had i been an mod here, i could have grandpa- banned for alot less, than i am submitting him for now. But here you say its vk abuse. That makes little or no sense.
Re: [DOTA] Ban request- understacker@europe
Postby BeerLord ยป Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:05 pm
(09:04 / Allied) understacker: mid is a moron
(09:12 / Allied) understacker: he wont leave mid
(09:16 / Allied) understacker: and now he dies to gang
(09:18 / Allied) understacker: gj mid
(09:20 / Allied) GrandPa-: !ignore under
(15:34 / All) STUPID_B1TCH: A votekick against player [GrandPa-] has been started by player [understacker].
Votekick was abusive.
understacker banned 3 days for votekick abuse.
First of all Beerhorn, well i have previous submitted several who claims to be his friend. And he always seems to make decisions that are not rly objective as a mod should be. I wouldnt trust him doing this. This prb wont help the matter in the future. You are clearly in need for staff. I also know that this prb will be no use, because decisions are rarely overturned, eventhough they are not correctly made.
He says i am lower lvl and no kills - this is true, because i am teleporting all over map to try and help the team, 4v5 game, and as he says team is being beaten badly, so i tele around the map trying to salvage game, and i get less xp for doing so.... i had to do this because mid, the only lane that was not in danger would not help out. Not even for a def for 1-2 min. he did nothing. As showed above in beerhorns own submits.
You can see me teleporting to lanes to help. This should show some team spirit. Where as mid dosent care about anything but his own stats in a teamgame.
Saying moron one time, after we have been screaming for mid to assist team, is not being toxic (i have submitted similar and alot worse stuff being used about me and mods deem this is not being toxic there should be plenty of examples).
"Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively."
Nothing excessive here. Actually using the ignore is excessive here. All he uses it for is to ignore team asks for help. Which is not the intended use.
In this instance we have asked mid for several minuts, but clearly he knows rules, and mutes because he does not want to help team and uses this as an excuse so he cant see we ask him. Though we did ask him several times before this.... so that is not really an excuse.
He refuses to help or cooperate with team, and when he finally left mid he went out solo mostly. And by that time the game was already over. Whole team was low level, except grandpa-, and he mostly didnt join teamfights or came late to lasthit. If someone was in wood and refusing to help other lanes or team he would be banned for it, and you know it.
It says you can use votekick if someone is impacting game negatively, i dont see how this is NOT true here. It does not specify any length of game has to transpire. So look closely at how desperately we ask mid for help and how he does not want to help or even answer. In essence a gameruiner = legit vk. Its a team game, you have to expect ppl are obligated to actually play for the same team.
"Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruiners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game."
Negatively impact game. He does, can it be more clear? He dosent write anything but he refuses to help team after we got a disconnect from start.
"You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules. " It says i have to initiate the VK. Since he wont help team.
Toxic is this really that?
If this is the case any time moron/noob or anything similar is written, then you would be able to ignore and choose to play solo and ignore if team asks for help. Super, then i will reference this every submit comming, and im sure that will be alot. Fun days.
He claims in writing this that i am typical abusive. But he needs to go back 2 years to find an example. Yeah i have like +4000 games... thats not rly typical. I can look up any random account and show you alot worse on of any account on a more frequent basis.
In his examples - one posts saying you dont have to annonce mode, its not in the rules, but it is in the rules, and it WAS WRITTEN directly by NET staff into the bot. So clearly this example should also be reviewed... but who has the time this these decisions.
"Do not lie about modes. If you intend to choose a non-default mode or if there is no known default mode, announce the mode in lobby or vote ingame/in lobby."
Game Name:
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s):
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
I want this reviewed by another mod before i can complain about it. And this should ofc not be one of the mods friends.
/Add i just reviewed the processed requests, and it seems that had i been an mod here, i could have grandpa- banned for alot less, than i am submitting him for now. But here you say its vk abuse. That makes little or no sense.
Re: [DOTA] Ban request- understacker@europe
Postby BeerLord ยป Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:05 pm
(09:04 / Allied) understacker: mid is a moron
(09:12 / Allied) understacker: he wont leave mid
(09:16 / Allied) understacker: and now he dies to gang
(09:18 / Allied) understacker: gj mid
(09:20 / Allied) GrandPa-: !ignore under
(15:34 / All) STUPID_B1TCH: A votekick against player [GrandPa-] has been started by player [understacker].
Votekick was abusive.
understacker banned 3 days for votekick abuse.
First of all Beerhorn, well i have previous submitted several who claims to be his friend. And he always seems to make decisions that are not rly objective as a mod should be. I wouldnt trust him doing this. This prb wont help the matter in the future. You are clearly in need for staff. I also know that this prb will be no use, because decisions are rarely overturned, eventhough they are not correctly made.
He says i am lower lvl and no kills - this is true, because i am teleporting all over map to try and help the team, 4v5 game, and as he says team is being beaten badly, so i tele around the map trying to salvage game, and i get less xp for doing so.... i had to do this because mid, the only lane that was not in danger would not help out. Not even for a def for 1-2 min. he did nothing. As showed above in beerhorns own submits.
You can see me teleporting to lanes to help. This should show some team spirit. Where as mid dosent care about anything but his own stats in a teamgame.
Saying moron one time, after we have been screaming for mid to assist team, is not being toxic (i have submitted similar and alot worse stuff being used about me and mods deem this is not being toxic there should be plenty of examples).
"Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively."
Nothing excessive here. Actually using the ignore is excessive here. All he uses it for is to ignore team asks for help. Which is not the intended use.
In this instance we have asked mid for several minuts, but clearly he knows rules, and mutes because he does not want to help team and uses this as an excuse so he cant see we ask him. Though we did ask him several times before this.... so that is not really an excuse.
He refuses to help or cooperate with team, and when he finally left mid he went out solo mostly. And by that time the game was already over. Whole team was low level, except grandpa-, and he mostly didnt join teamfights or came late to lasthit. If someone was in wood and refusing to help other lanes or team he would be banned for it, and you know it.
It says you can use votekick if someone is impacting game negatively, i dont see how this is NOT true here. It does not specify any length of game has to transpire. So look closely at how desperately we ask mid for help and how he does not want to help or even answer. In essence a gameruiner = legit vk. Its a team game, you have to expect ppl are obligated to actually play for the same team.
"Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruiners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game."
Negatively impact game. He does, can it be more clear? He dosent write anything but he refuses to help team after we got a disconnect from start.
"You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules. " It says i have to initiate the VK. Since he wont help team.
Toxic is this really that?
If this is the case any time moron/noob or anything similar is written, then you would be able to ignore and choose to play solo and ignore if team asks for help. Super, then i will reference this every submit comming, and im sure that will be alot. Fun days.
He claims in writing this that i am typical abusive. But he needs to go back 2 years to find an example. Yeah i have like +4000 games... thats not rly typical. I can look up any random account and show you alot worse on of any account on a more frequent basis.
In his examples - one posts saying you dont have to annonce mode, its not in the rules, but it is in the rules, and it WAS WRITTEN directly by NET staff into the bot. So clearly this example should also be reviewed... but who has the time this these decisions.
"Do not lie about modes. If you intend to choose a non-default mode or if there is no known default mode, announce the mode in lobby or vote ingame/in lobby."