[DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

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[DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby NotTodarjr » Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:13 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/game/11252487/
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #41
Your Warcraft III Username: irondwarf
Violator's Warcraft III Username: tob1rama & playeraaa
Violated Rule(s): game ruin/not defending
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): around 35 I think it started
Any further thoughts: morphling left, techie was trolling so of course he was trying to take satanic, him and spec both sat at fountain trying to take satanic from leaver while we lost rax, refusing to defend or help, both should be banned.

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Re: [DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby Mercurial » Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:11 am

If you look the replay, you can see that spectre was playing very fine his game, even after techies started to troll/rude and ruin, and refuse teamplay (refusing to share pet as a tech with his carry is refusing to teamplay)

Even so, after techies showed he dont give a fuck about that game, spectre played his game.
It's only when techies started to steal Satanic from leaver morph min 35 / 40 (item which is made for spectre in 100% case, and never for techies) that spec stop playing, because i guess spectre cant try to save satanic from tech trying to steal and sell it and same time defending rax.
Then you can argue, about what is most important, satanic (5500 gold item) the only item from morph after 35 min game, or a rax ? i'm not sure u can say it's just game ruining to try to save 5500 gold. And refusing to play when one of your teammate is obviously just ruinning the game isn't game ruine for as game has been already ruined by someone else.

In conclusion, i will say that spectre wasn't afk or ruinning the game, he was replying to the behaviour of techies by trying to save an important item.

The problem isn't that spec was trying to take satanic, the problem was that techies was trying to take it and sell it (as he did when spec went to def a moment after). Even when his team told him to give this item to spectre, he refused and kept his troll

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Re: [DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby Mercurial » Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:51 am

Then there's this from your game chat :

" (31:03 / All) Eyes_Of_Fury: plaxi4 has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET). Morph Leaves Here
(31:03 / QUIT) plaxi4: Disconnect
(31:03 / Allied) tob1rama: -CLEAR
(31:09) IronDwarf killed tob1rama
(31:13 / Allied) IronDwarf: take his satanic You telling spec to take sata
(31:16 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: stup9id nigger rastha
(31:17 / All) (-..-): we hit him hard to lose connection
(31:34 / All) (-..-): u need to hit our rhasta hard too
(31:35 / All) (-..-): :D
(31:47 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: care mines
(31:50 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: mintes
(31:51) Pepperlina killed neonlicht
(32:03 / Allied) tob1rama: -CLEAR
(32:15) Angel_Zeus_150 killed Eyes_Of_Fury Spec move to take sata, but we can see techies trying to take it
(32:17 / Allied) tob1rama: -CLEAR
(32:24) plaxi4 killed (-..-)
(32:32 / Allied) tob1rama: -CLEAR
(33:41) PlayerAAA killed Pepperlina
(33:44 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: =\
(33:51 / Allied) Angel_Zeus_150: get some wards
(33:53 / Allied) IronDwarf: tech wants thta Only at this moment you notice techies wills
(33:57 / Allied) PlayerAAA: y man
(33:58 / All) Eyes_Of_Fury: ANNOUNCEMENT: You can now select your desired hosting location! Check http://goo.gl/lpbZX9
(33:59 / Allied) PlayerAAA: and i wont move
(34:03 / Allied) IronDwarf: me either You agreeing with spec to not move until you saved sata
(34:04 / Allied) IronDwarf: fuck that kid
(34:48 / Allied) Angel_Zeus_150: -ms
(35:12 / Allied) PlayerAAA: idc tech
(35:14 / Allied) PlayerAAA: u ll loose
(35:16 / Allied) PlayerAAA: and i win
(35:37 / Allied) IronDwarf: i have him ignored
(35:39 / Allied) IronDwarf: justt click your hero
(35:48 / Allied) IronDwarf: ill put it on you
(35:50 / Allied) IronDwarf: you click to yourself you are making a strat to counter techies

During more than 2 min, you also afked to save this satanic, and before that, too, and after that too.

So what s the difference with you and spec ? How can you say that spec ruinned the game, and forgetting to mention that u did the exact same thing.
Because you returned earlier to def (still way too late to save anything) means spec should be banned ?

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Re: [DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby NotTodarjr » Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:35 pm

I tried to help spec obviously, I want my carry to get the item, but I also chose to stop and go defend the base, clearly you are leaving that part out, spec sat there and let them rax top and mid without ever helping, you say I returned too late to do anything which is false, I was at top tower when they pushed, spectre was not, so your defense is invalid, pretty certain you are spectre based on your banrq for this techie, but you deserve the same ban he gets, you did exactly what he did.

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Re: [DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby Mercurial » Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:01 pm

I'm leaving nothing out, here's what i said : "Because you returned earlier to def (still way too late to save anything) means spec should be banned ? "

" you say I returned too late to do anything which is false "

No, i'm saying that during more than 3 min you were also afk, and that was enough to let the other team take mid, etc. if you were not afk during that time trying to save the item, maybe it would have been a different end.
The only difference is that you went deff earlier than spectre. But an other sure thing is that if you afked man, spectre maybe just afked 1 min more than you, and you asking ban for him ?

This is no sens for me. You just seems angry to have lost, and it's normal looking what techies during whole game. But you're trying to get 2 people banned while one is the ruiner. If for you spectre is ruinner, you are also cause you did same.

And me being spectre doesn't change anything cause i'm using facts ... it's not my point of view ..

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Re: [DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby BeerLord » Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:59 am

Spectre and techies spend 5 plus minutes afk fighting over an item while top and then mid rax are destroyed.
tob1rama currently banned 2 days for votekick fail. Adding 3 for a total of 5 for afk/game ruin.
playeraaa banned 3 days for afk/game ruin.

mercurial your version of events is at odds with the truth. Invoker died trying to defend top rax with two other allies against 5. While he was dead sentinel killed the tier two tower mid lane, then mid rax. Invoker respawned 7 seconds after mid rax was destroyed. So the facts ur using here dont really add up.

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Re: [DOTA] playeraaa & tob1rama

Postby FalenGa » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:20 am

tob1rama dodged. TID: 135017

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