[DOTA] zap-dead-lol useast.battle.net

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[DOTA] zap-dead-lol useast.battle.net

Postby yungchlo » Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:49 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 283484.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #20
Your Warcraft III Username: voltron
Violator's Warcraft III Username: zap-dead-lol
Violated Rule(s): Bypassing ignore via !slap (abusing bot vulnerability)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): minute 18, 34, 38
Any further thoughts: I specifically warn the smurf about slap and he even asks the mod in game but continues to be cute.
(17:46 / Allied) zap-dead-lol: its 5-7 u nubs needa relax
(17:57 / Allied) voltron: !ignore lol
(18:05 / Allied) zap-dead-lol: !slap lol nerd
(18:05 / All) ST0NEGATE.: [zap-dead-lol] drives a car over [lol nerd]
(18:28 / Allied) voltron: !unignore zap
(18:35 / Allied) voltron: slap is bannable to avoid ignore
(18:37 / Allied) voltron: keep doing it
(18:43 / Allied) zap-dead-lol: doubt it
(18:44 / Allied) voltron: i'll report u
(18:48 / Allied) zap-dead-lol: nerd
(18:49 / Allied) voltron: !ignore zap
(19:01 / All) zap-dead-lol: beerlord
(19:06 / All) zap-dead-lol: using slap is bannable?
(19:13 / All) zap-dead-lol: blue says it is xd
(19:14 / All) BeerLord: if its over done yes
(34:46 / Allied) zap-dead-lol: !slap nub clock ff at 8 min -_-
(34:46 / All) ST0NEGATE.: [zap-dead-lol] slaps [nub clock ff at 8 min -_-] with a large trout
(38:45 / Allied) zap-dead-lol: !slap idiot clock
(38:45 / All) dh_love: [zap-dead-lol] gives [idiot clock] cookies!

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Re: [DOTA] zap-dead-lol useast.battle.net

Postby Now2 » Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:25 am

don't think using slap 3 times is "over done"

not to mention the reason he ignored is I told team to "relax noobs" as they were crying ff at like 5-7 scoreboard

if I used slap like 10 times maybe but 3.... retarded post Voltron lol

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Re: [DOTA] zap-dead-lol useast.battle.net

Postby Rain- » Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:08 pm

Denied however consider this as warning @now2 do not use !slap command to troll

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