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[DOTA] opdn@US.east

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:01 pm
by Chrono[diox]
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #5
Your Warcraft III Username: Chrono[diox]@ENTconnect
Violator's Warcraft III Username: opdn@US.east
Violated Rule(s): Votekick Abuse/Massive flaming
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): starts off pretty early, maybe 10 minutes in and the votekick abuse sustains heavily all the way til the end.
Any further thoughts: Guy is toxic af

Re: [DOTA] opdn@US.east

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:58 pm
by IFightForHumans
Second it, he was very toxic - wanted to kick puck for no reason.

Re: [DOTA] opdn@US.east

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:12 pm
by raedric
(27:28 / Allied) Opdn: shit puck
(27:31 / Allied) Opdn: no ks bastard
(27:34 / Allied) Opdn: son of a bitch garbage
(27:42 / Allied) IZR-8534: calm down veno
(27:50 / Allied) Opdn: this guy are a shit
(27:53 / Allied) Opdn: 26 min useless
(27:54 / Allied) Opdn: and try ks
(27:57 / Allied) Opdn: bastard loser useless

Ctrl F'd his name to check how much flame. Over 200 results, and most of them after 10 minutes is just toxic. OP ignored him early which was about the only thing that could be done, but the violator initiated an illegal votekick (sorry forgot to timestamp) for the reason "Plz?" Apparently he had an issue with him from a previous game and was trying to trollkick. I would third the recommendation that he be banned, and for both reasons.

Re: [DOTA] opdn@US.east

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:26 am
by Ziadoma
There was a lot of flaming coming from Venomancer(Opdn), blaming others on his team, especially chrono[diox]. No need to show it. It starts at 7:39 and goes on for the whole game. Puck did a very good choice ignoring Opdn and chodo, after chodo hopping on the flame train with the Venomancer.
Always when chrono[diox] ignored someone Venomancer tried to votekick him and after that some several more votekicks, without a good reason:
(12:15 / Allied) chrono[diox]: !ignore jer
(12:15 / All) dotaes: Player [chrono[diox]] has ignored player [Jericho].
(12:18 / Allied) Opdn: !votekick diox
(13:01 / Allied) chrono[diox]: !ignore opd
(13:01 / All) dotaes: Player [chrono[diox]] has ignored player [Opdn].
(13:11 / Allied) chrono[diox]: !ignore chod
(13:11 / All) dotaes: Player [chrono[diox]] has ignored player [chodo].
(13:26 / Allied) chodo: !votekick chron
(15:53 / Allied) Opdn: !votekick diox
(28:00 / Allied) Opdn: !votekick diox
(30:28 / All) Opdn: !votekick diox
(32:16 / Allied) Opdn: !votekick diox
(41:05 / Allied) Opdn: !votekick diox

This Vencomacer's flame was very excessive and he abused the votekick command alot. Strongly support this banrequest.
It should be mentioned, that chodo also abused the votekick command once. And he flamed as well.

Re: [DOTA] opdn@US.east

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:56 pm
by Ziadoma
opdn is banned for 5 days for excessive flame and attempted votekickabuse.