[LTD] miras89 - VK abuse multiple times and a complete brainless noob needs ban
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:41 am
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11624125
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #83
Your Warcraft III Username: djamdjamdjam
Violator's Warcraft III Username: miras89
Violated Rule(s): vk abuse multiple times, clear ghosting lvl 3 and on arena
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): lvl 3 onwards
Any further thoughts: This guy total noob...I am going to explain in depth why a 1500 elo player needs to 'learn game'!
I have TS cross which holds all but weak 12 ofc. Blue (miras) opens with ygg....why? i clearly hold 7. he has clocks which is so much better to yolo...but he doesnt understand this. I tell red and blue go anti 12 from very early game as its probably the level the other team will send after seeing ts cross. But Miras does NOT understand this. Brainless guy with low push from early game. The other team skip from lvl 7 and clearly looks like they gonna go 12. I tell team max king as they didnt send 10. OFC this is the right thing to do! But Miras doesnt understand at all. Team comply and we max king. This is visble to other team which is what i wanted so hopefully they dont come 12, which they didnt. they failed 14 send and we won 17.
However, Miras the complete noob thinks he can make calls and play this game...hahaha rofl. He has next to zero value on 12 and deided to mergee on red for 12 with 3 revs....thats right...3 revs LMFAO. like that would help on 12 if they sent. Also knowing ts owns 15 why would he go revs on red????
anyway, see below for the violations and pls ban this nab as he broke the rules ....... BAN MUST TEACH THIS IDIOT!
evidence i told him do not go ygg:
(01:25 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: why u ygg blue
(01:33 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: i have ts cross
(01:34 / Allied) dank: -rolls
(01:36 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: i hold 7
(01:37 / Allied) dank: i suicide then
(01:39 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: dont ob ygg
(01:48 / Allied) dank: or u suicide?
(01:51 / Allied) miras89: look at this
(01:53 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: `dunno
(01:54 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: what u think
(01:55 / Allied) wenus penus: -info 1
(01:56 / Allied) miras89: and dont bother with my ygg
(01:57 / Allied) dank: i got shit
(02:00 / Allied) dank: u got shit too
(02:01 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: -rolls
(02:01 / Allied) start: sorry, i m a noob
(02:07 / Allied) miras89: omfg
(02:10 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: u have clockwrecks
(02:11 / Allied) miras89: im telling u what to do
(02:11 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: ill make x2 more meats and rr
(02:17 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: miras u fucking suck
(02:23 / Allied) dank: we go 2?
(02:32 / Allied) miras89: why u in my team ffs
(02:33 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: ts cross and u go ygg
(02:36 / Allied) miras89: u biggest tk here
(02:41 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: lmfao
EVIDENCE of vk abuse and trying to ff...idiot:
(04:47 / Allied) miras89: !ff
(04:47 / All) miras89: [miras89] has voted to forfeit.
(04:47 / All) miras89: 1/4 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(04:48 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: ill try for GOD
(04:52 / Allied) miras89: !votekick start
(04:52 / All) miras89: A votekick against player [start] has been started by player [miras89]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(04:52 / All) miras89: Type !yes to vote.
(04:52 / All) miras89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(04:54 / Allied) start: hmm
(04:56 / All) miras89: solo send
(04:57 / Allied) dank: think u should rr?
(04:58 / All) miras89: kick
Evidence I am telling him go anti 12 from early game, which by the way, if he did it, we could have sent 12 instead of going king:
(06:23 / Allied) miras89: u are extra bad mega trash
(06:34 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: thats why u made ygg
(06:48 / Allied) miras89: i cant explain u
(06:54 / Allied) miras89: your brain too low capacity
(06:56 / Allied) miras89: to get it
(06:56 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: u need to both be anti 12
(07:01 / Allied) dank: ts
(07:03 / Allied) dank: that side too
(07:13 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: just remember i told u thid faggot
(07:16 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: ygg is shit 12
(07:20 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: and we need anti 12
Evidence that other team are likely to go 12:
(17:01 / Allied) iamjuiced: nah
(17:03 / Allied) iamjuiced: go 12
(17:18 / Allied) dank: were weak 12 too
(17:24 / Allied) iamjuiced: right
(17:32 / Allied) iamjuiced: they strong 10 too
(17:36 / Allied) dank: king 12?
Evidence that Miras makes shit calls:
(16:25 / Allied) miras89: 14
(16:30 / Allied) miras89: better
vs ts cross and merged greymanes with 4 heals....lmfao...what call is this....ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah NOOB MIRAS.
Evidence of 2nd vk abuse:
20:39 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: go king
(21:05 / Allied) miras89: wow
(21:06 / Allied) iamjuiced: get 7/5 no more
(21:09 / Allied) miras89: ok
(21:11 / All) miras89: ok
(21:15 / All) miras89: can we kick teal
(21:20 / Allied) Mazikeen: dude
(21:21 / All) iamjuiced: !yes
(21:25 / Allied) Mazikeen: you guys are so annoying
(21:26 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: we die 12
(21:27 / All) miras89: he solo upping king now
(21:32 / All) miras89: full tk
(21:38 / Allied) miras89: !votekick djam
(21:38 / All) miras89: A votekick against player [DjamDjamDjam] has been started by player [miras89]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(21:38 / All) miras89: Type !yes to vote.
(21:38 / All) miras89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
Evidence that upping king made them not send 12 and fail 14:
(22:05 / Allied) iamjuiced: they max king
(22:06 / Allied) miras89: hey noob
(22:07 / Allied) iamjuiced: ez 14
Evidence that Miras is total noob and wants to report me? lmfao:
(22:22 / Allied) miras89: !unignore djam
(22:26 / Allied) miras89: im reporting u
(22:27 / Allied) miras89: 100?
(22:29 / Allied) miras89: %
(22:31 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: lmfao
(22:32 / Allied) miras89: after this game
(22:34 / Allied) miras89: u retard
(22:35 / Allied) iamjuiced: rr yw
(22:37 / Allied) miras89: u full tk
(22:37 / All) miras89: A votekick against player [DjamDjamDjam] has expired.
Evidence that Miras thinks he knows what he is doing and flaming teammates:
(23:05 / All) miras89: biggest tk under the sun
(23:09 / Allied) iamjuiced: i dont think its worth for delay
(23:09 / All) miras89: thsi teal
(23:28 / Allied) iamjuiced: rr again or wc
(23:39 / Allied) wenus penus: 1 app ?
(23:45 / Allied) iamjuiced: meh
(23:48 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: do u guys see how he doesnt get it?
(23:55 / Allied) wenus penus: ok
(23:57 / Allied) wenus penus: drags
(24:22 / Allied) miras89: up halfbreed
(24:23 / Allied) iamjuiced: make more delay
(24:26 / Allied) miras89: do not mass them !
(24:27 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: purple make sre u dont activate thorns too early
(24:42 / Allied) Mazikeen: it was just to respect the rules
(24:42 / Allied) iamjuiced: good
(24:45 / Allied) start: 10 short
(24:51 / Allied) miras89: red
(24:54 / Allied) miras89: how can u be so bad
Evidence that Miras thinks we die 14 with 4 heals...tm and ts cross...more imortantly he think we could die 15...with ts cross...AHAHAH LMFAO ROFL...lose 15 with ts cross......hahahahahahahahahah......1500 elo, 2000+ games and thinks ts cross dies 15......ahahahahahahaha:
(27:46 / Allied) miras89: go 17
(27:50 / Allied) miras89: but die 15
(27:56 / Allied) miras89: or 14
(28:04 / Allied) miras89: i send 17
(28:10 / Allied) miras89: i dont listen to u guys anymore
(28:16 / Allied) miras89: as u follow shit calls from teal
(28:19 / Allied) wenus penus: pink get auras
(28:21 / Allied) miras89: that make us loose
Admin, above is evidence of evrything I stated. But the VK abuse (twice) is bannable. Also his shit calls, constant flame and ignoring team is just tk. his build = tk, his calls = tk.
BAN HIM...warnings will not suffice with this arrogant no brain idiot that will continue to try and boss a team... and lose coz of his shit play.
thank god I am 1 million times better than him and guided team to victory....carried this nab...BAN him!
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #83
Your Warcraft III Username: djamdjamdjam
Violator's Warcraft III Username: miras89
Violated Rule(s): vk abuse multiple times, clear ghosting lvl 3 and on arena
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): lvl 3 onwards
Any further thoughts: This guy total noob...I am going to explain in depth why a 1500 elo player needs to 'learn game'!
I have TS cross which holds all but weak 12 ofc. Blue (miras) opens with ygg....why? i clearly hold 7. he has clocks which is so much better to yolo...but he doesnt understand this. I tell red and blue go anti 12 from very early game as its probably the level the other team will send after seeing ts cross. But Miras does NOT understand this. Brainless guy with low push from early game. The other team skip from lvl 7 and clearly looks like they gonna go 12. I tell team max king as they didnt send 10. OFC this is the right thing to do! But Miras doesnt understand at all. Team comply and we max king. This is visble to other team which is what i wanted so hopefully they dont come 12, which they didnt. they failed 14 send and we won 17.
However, Miras the complete noob thinks he can make calls and play this game...hahaha rofl. He has next to zero value on 12 and deided to mergee on red for 12 with 3 revs....thats right...3 revs LMFAO. like that would help on 12 if they sent. Also knowing ts owns 15 why would he go revs on red????
anyway, see below for the violations and pls ban this nab as he broke the rules ....... BAN MUST TEACH THIS IDIOT!
evidence i told him do not go ygg:
(01:25 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: why u ygg blue
(01:33 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: i have ts cross
(01:34 / Allied) dank: -rolls
(01:36 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: i hold 7
(01:37 / Allied) dank: i suicide then
(01:39 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: dont ob ygg
(01:48 / Allied) dank: or u suicide?
(01:51 / Allied) miras89: look at this
(01:53 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: `dunno
(01:54 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: what u think
(01:55 / Allied) wenus penus: -info 1
(01:56 / Allied) miras89: and dont bother with my ygg
(01:57 / Allied) dank: i got shit
(02:00 / Allied) dank: u got shit too
(02:01 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: -rolls
(02:01 / Allied) start: sorry, i m a noob
(02:07 / Allied) miras89: omfg
(02:10 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: u have clockwrecks
(02:11 / Allied) miras89: im telling u what to do
(02:11 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: ill make x2 more meats and rr
(02:17 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: miras u fucking suck
(02:23 / Allied) dank: we go 2?
(02:32 / Allied) miras89: why u in my team ffs
(02:33 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: ts cross and u go ygg
(02:36 / Allied) miras89: u biggest tk here
(02:41 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: lmfao
EVIDENCE of vk abuse and trying to ff...idiot:
(04:47 / Allied) miras89: !ff
(04:47 / All) miras89: [miras89] has voted to forfeit.
(04:47 / All) miras89: 1/4 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(04:48 / Allied) TFTDeSheeP: ill try for GOD
(04:52 / Allied) miras89: !votekick start
(04:52 / All) miras89: A votekick against player [start] has been started by player [miras89]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(04:52 / All) miras89: Type !yes to vote.
(04:52 / All) miras89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(04:54 / Allied) start: hmm
(04:56 / All) miras89: solo send
(04:57 / Allied) dank: think u should rr?
(04:58 / All) miras89: kick
Evidence I am telling him go anti 12 from early game, which by the way, if he did it, we could have sent 12 instead of going king:
(06:23 / Allied) miras89: u are extra bad mega trash
(06:34 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: thats why u made ygg
(06:48 / Allied) miras89: i cant explain u
(06:54 / Allied) miras89: your brain too low capacity
(06:56 / Allied) miras89: to get it
(06:56 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: u need to both be anti 12
(07:01 / Allied) dank: ts
(07:03 / Allied) dank: that side too
(07:13 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: just remember i told u thid faggot
(07:16 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: ygg is shit 12
(07:20 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: and we need anti 12
Evidence that other team are likely to go 12:
(17:01 / Allied) iamjuiced: nah
(17:03 / Allied) iamjuiced: go 12
(17:18 / Allied) dank: were weak 12 too
(17:24 / Allied) iamjuiced: right
(17:32 / Allied) iamjuiced: they strong 10 too
(17:36 / Allied) dank: king 12?
Evidence that Miras makes shit calls:
(16:25 / Allied) miras89: 14
(16:30 / Allied) miras89: better
vs ts cross and merged greymanes with 4 heals....lmfao...what call is this....ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah NOOB MIRAS.
Evidence of 2nd vk abuse:
20:39 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: go king
(21:05 / Allied) miras89: wow
(21:06 / Allied) iamjuiced: get 7/5 no more
(21:09 / Allied) miras89: ok
(21:11 / All) miras89: ok
(21:15 / All) miras89: can we kick teal
(21:20 / Allied) Mazikeen: dude
(21:21 / All) iamjuiced: !yes
(21:25 / Allied) Mazikeen: you guys are so annoying
(21:26 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: we die 12
(21:27 / All) miras89: he solo upping king now
(21:32 / All) miras89: full tk
(21:38 / Allied) miras89: !votekick djam
(21:38 / All) miras89: A votekick against player [DjamDjamDjam] has been started by player [miras89]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(21:38 / All) miras89: Type !yes to vote.
(21:38 / All) miras89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
Evidence that upping king made them not send 12 and fail 14:
(22:05 / Allied) iamjuiced: they max king
(22:06 / Allied) miras89: hey noob
(22:07 / Allied) iamjuiced: ez 14
Evidence that Miras is total noob and wants to report me? lmfao:
(22:22 / Allied) miras89: !unignore djam
(22:26 / Allied) miras89: im reporting u
(22:27 / Allied) miras89: 100?
(22:29 / Allied) miras89: %
(22:31 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: lmfao
(22:32 / Allied) miras89: after this game
(22:34 / Allied) miras89: u retard
(22:35 / Allied) iamjuiced: rr yw
(22:37 / Allied) miras89: u full tk
(22:37 / All) miras89: A votekick against player [DjamDjamDjam] has expired.
Evidence that Miras thinks he knows what he is doing and flaming teammates:
(23:05 / All) miras89: biggest tk under the sun
(23:09 / Allied) iamjuiced: i dont think its worth for delay
(23:09 / All) miras89: thsi teal
(23:28 / Allied) iamjuiced: rr again or wc
(23:39 / Allied) wenus penus: 1 app ?
(23:45 / Allied) iamjuiced: meh
(23:48 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: do u guys see how he doesnt get it?
(23:55 / Allied) wenus penus: ok
(23:57 / Allied) wenus penus: drags
(24:22 / Allied) miras89: up halfbreed
(24:23 / Allied) iamjuiced: make more delay
(24:26 / Allied) miras89: do not mass them !
(24:27 / Allied) DjamDjamDjam: purple make sre u dont activate thorns too early
(24:42 / Allied) Mazikeen: it was just to respect the rules
(24:42 / Allied) iamjuiced: good
(24:45 / Allied) start: 10 short
(24:51 / Allied) miras89: red
(24:54 / Allied) miras89: how can u be so bad
Evidence that Miras thinks we die 14 with 4 heals...tm and ts cross...more imortantly he think we could die 15...with ts cross...AHAHAH LMFAO ROFL...lose 15 with ts cross......hahahahahahahahahah......1500 elo, 2000+ games and thinks ts cross dies 15......ahahahahahahaha:
(27:46 / Allied) miras89: go 17
(27:50 / Allied) miras89: but die 15
(27:56 / Allied) miras89: or 14
(28:04 / Allied) miras89: i send 17
(28:10 / Allied) miras89: i dont listen to u guys anymore
(28:16 / Allied) miras89: as u follow shit calls from teal
(28:19 / Allied) wenus penus: pink get auras
(28:21 / Allied) miras89: that make us loose
Admin, above is evidence of evrything I stated. But the VK abuse (twice) is bannable. Also his shit calls, constant flame and ignoring team is just tk. his build = tk, his calls = tk.
BAN HIM...warnings will not suffice with this arrogant no brain idiot that will continue to try and boss a team... and lose coz of his shit play.
thank god I am 1 million times better than him and guided team to victory....carried this nab...BAN him!