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[DOTA] [Gok3N !Slap abuse]

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:16 am
by Qtel
Replay Link: ... 641111.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #8
Your Warcraft III Username: Qtel
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Gok3N
Violated Rule(s): Slap abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): details in the further thoughts
Any further thoughts: Player was slap abusing all the game after i ignored him :

(02:56 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap qtel
(02:56 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] washes [qtel]'s car! Oh the irony!
(03:03 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap qtel
(03:03 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] drives a car over [qtel]

21:28 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap qtel
(21:28 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] steals [qtel]'s cookies. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

24:28 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap qtel
(24:28 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] hugs [qtel] <3

(28:27 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap qtel
(28:27 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] slaps [qtel] with a pink macintosh

32:01 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap qtel
(32:01 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] throws a watermelon at [qtel]

32:45 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap Qtel
(32:45 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] throws a 500 pounds weight at [Qtel]

34:38 / Allied) Gok3N: !slap Qtel
(34:38 / All) Stacker69: [Gok3N] throws a 500 pounds weight at [Qtel]

Re: [DOTA] [Gok3N !Slap abuse]

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:32 am
by Panopticon
Of all the instances you posted of him using !slap, none of that was actually abusing the slap command. He was actually using the !slap command as it was intended, in where he wasn't using it to bypass ignore to communicate with you. It would still fall under excessive trolling, but not slap abuse.

(13:39 / Allied) Qtel: !slap shit noob ever
(13:39 / All) Stacker69: [Qtel] touches [shit noob ever]'s six-pack

Re: [DOTA] [Gok3N !Slap abuse]

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:05 pm
by Qtel
Panopticon wrote:Of all the instances you posted of him using !slap, none of that was actually abusing the slap command. He was actually using the !slap command as it was intended, in where he wasn't using it to bypass ignore to communicate with you. It would still fall under excessive trolling, but not slap abuse.

(13:39 / Allied) Qtel: !slap shit noob ever
(13:39 / All) Stacker69: [Qtel] touches [shit noob ever]'s six-pack ... ming:Rules :

Do not spam during games (chat, ping, etc.).
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.

Re: [DOTA] [Gok3N !Slap abuse]

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:04 am
by TrueChaos
Slap command has been removed.
