Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod3os #88
Your Warcraft III Username: mimi.
Violator's Warcraft III Username: fearme / blizzkillingtft
Violated Rule(s): not kicking gameruiner, itemsteal of leaver / gameruin afk on purpose
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): fearme: 7:50/17:55 not votekicking afker/gameruiner, 30:7 itemsteal of leaver to sell for his own
blizzklillingtft: from start on hes afking and didnt Play proper, ruining the game for his allies
Any further thoughts: this was one crazy game, teal was afk since start and it was clear for us all to draw if he stays afk, until pink started bitching on me because i didnt go full tryhard relo ball, so he said he doesnt draw game and wont kick afker because he tought my build will be 100% useless and he wanted to see me fail.