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[LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:04 pm
by Wezygoopie
Hi Admin,

I send this report to get this player ban for rules violated, also his attitude in the game is completly trash for 1200+ community.

Replay Link:

Game Name: [ent] legion td mega 1200+ #22

Your Warcraft III Username: Wezygoopie

Violator's Warcraft III Username: Jqcc

Violated Rule(s):
=> We send on 14 and he sent balista instead of the send we asked, there boss finish 1% pv !
=> All game annoying, not respecting team choice, bad behavior
=> Team killer

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Round 14

Any further thoughts: 1200+ community doesn't count many players and this kind of behavior shouldn't be allowed. Many players complain on his behavior and the fact he is acting like a child.



Re: [LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:05 pm
by speedyrowky
long time not playing to this game, and this guy go for sure in my blacklist (in 1 week) :D
totally support, he just tk all game long, annoying, never focusing on game or trying to play as team

Re: [LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:45 pm
by toktoktok
I support this post. i recently played a game with Jqcc in which he first started !ignore all his team without any talk.
He is a decent player (at least better than i) but its painful to ruin games with such bad spirit. Maybe a little ban will let him think about his behavior ?
(toktokt = zinzin = eukalyptus)

Re: [LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:50 pm
by JqcC
you tk and blame it on others, you are robots most of you. Same reaction to anything different "OMG NOOB REPORT"

Re: [LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:13 am
by Jabba41
@jqcc care to explain why you send like that ?

Re: [LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:03 am
by JqcC
Sure, I send 1 ballista on 14 out of 3000 wood. If I was leading the game I would have called only ballista send on 14. But nono, listen to viserion some pub who rised from mega in 2015 and now think he is controlling all games.
When I make a suggestion, "stop confusing team" he says.

Why is ballista not good? Double dmg vs king!

Im tired of these players on 1200 bot, its not lihl.
If I decide to build servants on level 1, I would get 2 or 3 players raging TK TK TK TK and try draw etc..
Not really good for the game if everyone play like robots, you need diversity or this game is dead.
The same players play everyday and a few so called "high elo players" try so hard and if they see something different they cry all game. Please stop that thanks :)
Im not joining games to play the same play I did 5 years ago, that would be pretty boring.

Re: [LTD] Jqcc

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:16 pm
by Merex
Chatlog confirms it was a troll send.

Banned 2 days.