[DOTA] djsatomi@entconnect
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:13 am
Replay Link:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 685589.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 686176.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687196.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687349.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687366.w3g
Game Name: djsatomi aka saint
Your Warcraft III Username: stopstop
Violator's Warcraft III Username: djsatomi
Violated Rule(s): [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #68
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #56
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #17
and many others
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 685589.w3g
(01:08 / Allied) Bottle: basics from their team i think is good
(01:22 / Allied) ZL11LE: yea but i think he hacks
(01:32 / All) djsatomi: u sb picker now man?
(01:38 / All) djsatomi: what happened to tuskar and bloodessker?
(01:43 / All) djsatomi: dickless faggot
(02:22 / All) ZL11LE: are u upset u think im dickless, does that upset u, why are u following me so much
(02:30 / Allied) djsatomi: storm takes
(02:32 / Allied) Bottle: his your fan
(02:34 / All) ZL11LE: i dont swing that way
(02:36 / All) djsatomi: ?
(02:37 / All) djsatomi: lmfao
(02:39 / All) djsatomi: following u?
(02:45 / Allied) stopstop: !ignore sato
(02:45 / All) basics: Player [stopstop] has ignored player [djsatomi].
(02:45 / All) djsatomi: ur so depressed in real life
(02:48 / All) djsatomi: u only win with sb
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 686153.w3g
(09:42) stonerway7 killed djsatomi
(10:12) killed Tulipwn
(10:14 / Allied) djsatomi: this sniper
(10:16 / Allied) djsatomi: is so fuckign bad
(10:18 / Allied) Tulipwn: fuck u kid
(10:19 / Allied) djsatomi: its unbelievable
(10:20 / Allied) Tulipwn: u rambo ur fault
(10:22 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore tuli
(14:50 / Allied) Tulipwn: not u bro
(14:55 / Allied) Tulipwn: this jewish purple
(14:56 / Allied) djsatomi: this is gg
(14:58 / Allied) djsatomi: techies shit
(14:59 / Allied) djsatomi: sniper shit
(40:01) wowsers killed Tulipwn
(40:03 / Allied) djsatomi: come on
(40:05 / Allied) djsatomi: this fuckign team
(40:07 / Allied) djsatomi: so useless
(40:10 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: 300 a year isn't middle classed either xD
(40:26 / Allied) wowsers: i agree
(40:26 / Allied) djsatomi: why dont u play better lina
(40:26 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: is 60k
(40:27 / Allied) wowsers: w purp
(40:27 / Allied) stonerway7: fucks them up now
(40:29 / Allied) Tulipwn: wow rly?
(40:30 / Allied) djsatomi: retarded faggot
(43:07 / All) P@MSEEZ: [djsatomi] has voted to forfeit.
(43:07 / All) P@MSEEZ: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(43:08 / All) djsatomi: Gg
(43:10 / All) djsatomi: trash fucking team
(43:12 / All) djsatomi: end mid
(44:53 / Allied) stonerway7: pUSH
(44:55 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: 5k from an investment
(45:00 / Allied) djsatomi: lina
(45:01 / Allied) Tulipwn: which investment?
(45:02 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: and 12.5 k from a house flip
(45:03 / Allied) djsatomi: why are u still typing
(45:05 / Allied) Tulipwn: wow sick
(45:06 / Allied) djsatomi: about bullshit
(45:07 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: money my brother borrowed
(45:09 / Allied) djsatomi: u and sniper reason we losing
(47:12 / Allied) djsatomi: useless
(47:13 / Allied) stonerway7: rax
(47:13 / Allied) djsatomi: trash
(47:13 / Allied) stonerway7: rax
(47:14 / Allied) djsatomi: team
(47:14 / Allied) stonerway7: 4 dead
(47:15 / Allied) djsatomi: as usual
(47:15 / Allied) P@MSEEZ: i had tped top when they started to push
(47:16 / Allied) djsatomi: gg
(47:35 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: we havn't fought as 5 in 15 mins
(47:37 / Allied) djsatomi: we have no thing to kill stormand spec
(47:40 / Allied) djsatomi: sniper is braindead
(47:41 / Allied) djsatomi: its gg
(47:51 / Allied) djsatomi: bkb
(47:53 / Allied) stonerway7: lina back
(47:54 / Allied) djsatomi: but too stupid
(47:55 / Allied) Tulipwn: too many lanes
(51:39 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: everywhere
(51:49 / Allied) djsatomi: useless techies sniper
(51:52 / Allied) djsatomi: cant do shit
(59:45 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: quad kill
(59:48 / Allied) djsatomi: i cant do everytihng
(59:52 / Allied) djsatomi: u guys are too trash
(59:56 / Allied) djsatomi: cant tank
(59:58 / Allied) djsatomi: cant do damage
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 686176.w3g
(44:18 / All) Swift_Vengeance: i like the triple smurf accounts
(44:21 / All) Swift_Vengeance: for such a dead game
(44:24 / All) djsatomi: i was on ur team last game
(44:25 / All) Swift_Vengeance: thats pretty tryhard
(44:25 / All) djsatomi: u fucking retard
(44:31 / All) djsatomi: u were talkign about taxes
(44:33 / All) djsatomi: entire team
(44:36 / All) djsatomi: time
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687196.w3g
(03:33 / Allied) pede12: nice afking bro
(03:35 / Allied) pede12: -hhn
(03:45 / Allied) djsatomi: why are u mid
(03:47 / Allied) djsatomi: u stupid fuck
(16:12 / All) JustWarmingUp: polz vote
(16:14 / All) JustWarmingUp: afk an,d feed
(16:15 / All) djsatomi: fick u
(16:17 / All) djsatomi: im not voting
(16:18 / Allied) Blame_Me: -afk
(22:41 / Allied) pede12: he picked with chicken man
(22:41 / Allied) pede12: ..
(22:42 / Allied) djsatomi: why would u buy gem
(22:44 / Allied) djsatomi: u trash can?
(22:45 / Allied) KnuckleUp: fuck u
(22:47 / Allied) pede12: ah u got it
(27:07 / Allied) Blame_Me: dusa necro fuck us
(27:13 / All) djsatomi: pink is worst 2k elo player on ENT
(27:13 / Allied) pede12: and you
(27:14 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: techies real bad too
(27:14 / All) djsatomi: so shit
(28:30 / Allied) djsatomi: !unignore blame
(28:33 / Allied) djsatomi: u really like me?
(28:37 / All) djsatomi: dumb french trash?
(28:44 / All) Blame_Me: now u talking ?
(29:00 / All) djsatomi: barabesthero and azertkyer on same shit team
(29:00 / All) djsatomi: haha
(29:11 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: !ignore dj
(29:11 / All) KnuckleUp: Player [JustWarmingUp] has ignored player [djsatomi].
(29:18 / Allied) pede12: what a sad game
(29:24 / All) Blame_Me: t'es juste un pd toi
(29:33 / All) djsatomi: i dont speak french
(29:33 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: all top
(29:34 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: NW
(29:35 / All) djsatomi: dumb twat
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687349.w3g
(18:16) masterkiller killed Wl5P
(18:18 / Allied) djsatomi: man
(18:20 / Allied) djsatomi: u really suck dick
(18:24 / Allied) djsatomi: not helping u anymore
(18:27 / Allied) Tsakiv: !ping
(18:30 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore wi5
(18:31 / Allied) Wl5P: i would have died
(18:35 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore wl5p
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687366.w3g
(10:27 / Allied) djsatomi: team of baboons xDD
(10:34 / Allied) tsunami510: that is u
(10:36 / Allied) tsunami510: no ward
(10:39 / Allied) djsatomi: 1-5
(10:41 / Allied) tsunami510: no gankl
(10:47 / Allied) tsunami510: and cry about 3-4 mid
(10:52 / Allied) djsatomi: trash stacker
(10:57 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore tsu
(14:50 / Allied) TrumpWALL: !Scores
(14:56 / Allied) dumpster_: omw riki
(15:05 / Allied) djsatomi: go man up
(15:07 / Allied) djsatomi: u fuckign pussy bat
(25:49 / Allied) djsatomi: ok
(25:53 / Allied) djsatomi: potm, sil, les
(25:54 / Allied) TrumpWALL: that5 boring
(25:55 / Allied) djsatomi: all noobs
(25:56 / Allied) TrumpWALL: ea5y game5 5uck
(25:57 / Allied) djsatomi: mental note
Any further thoughts:
insulting/Trash talking/refuse to vk
After listening his trash talk for about a year, even though I'm moderate person, I'm posting this.
I can prepare much more if anyone of admins want more evidence. I already made a function for scrapping and search for 'shit'/'trash'/'fuck'/'moron' etc. It's an alt+enter job for me now. Anyways, if this is not an excessive insulting, please let me know so that I can elaborate my thoughts and provide other evidences.
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 685589.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 686176.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687196.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687349.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687366.w3g
Game Name: djsatomi aka saint
Your Warcraft III Username: stopstop
Violator's Warcraft III Username: djsatomi
Violated Rule(s): [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #68
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #56
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #17
and many others
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 685589.w3g
(01:08 / Allied) Bottle: basics from their team i think is good
(01:22 / Allied) ZL11LE: yea but i think he hacks
(01:32 / All) djsatomi: u sb picker now man?
(01:38 / All) djsatomi: what happened to tuskar and bloodessker?
(01:43 / All) djsatomi: dickless faggot
(02:22 / All) ZL11LE: are u upset u think im dickless, does that upset u, why are u following me so much
(02:30 / Allied) djsatomi: storm takes
(02:32 / Allied) Bottle: his your fan
(02:34 / All) ZL11LE: i dont swing that way
(02:36 / All) djsatomi: ?
(02:37 / All) djsatomi: lmfao
(02:39 / All) djsatomi: following u?
(02:45 / Allied) stopstop: !ignore sato
(02:45 / All) basics: Player [stopstop] has ignored player [djsatomi].
(02:45 / All) djsatomi: ur so depressed in real life
(02:48 / All) djsatomi: u only win with sb
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 686153.w3g
(09:42) stonerway7 killed djsatomi
(10:12) killed Tulipwn
(10:14 / Allied) djsatomi: this sniper
(10:16 / Allied) djsatomi: is so fuckign bad
(10:18 / Allied) Tulipwn: fuck u kid
(10:19 / Allied) djsatomi: its unbelievable
(10:20 / Allied) Tulipwn: u rambo ur fault
(10:22 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore tuli
(14:50 / Allied) Tulipwn: not u bro
(14:55 / Allied) Tulipwn: this jewish purple
(14:56 / Allied) djsatomi: this is gg
(14:58 / Allied) djsatomi: techies shit
(14:59 / Allied) djsatomi: sniper shit
(40:01) wowsers killed Tulipwn
(40:03 / Allied) djsatomi: come on
(40:05 / Allied) djsatomi: this fuckign team
(40:07 / Allied) djsatomi: so useless
(40:10 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: 300 a year isn't middle classed either xD
(40:26 / Allied) wowsers: i agree
(40:26 / Allied) djsatomi: why dont u play better lina
(40:26 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: is 60k
(40:27 / Allied) wowsers: w purp
(40:27 / Allied) stonerway7: fucks them up now
(40:29 / Allied) Tulipwn: wow rly?
(40:30 / Allied) djsatomi: retarded faggot
(43:07 / All) P@MSEEZ: [djsatomi] has voted to forfeit.
(43:07 / All) P@MSEEZ: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(43:08 / All) djsatomi: Gg
(43:10 / All) djsatomi: trash fucking team
(43:12 / All) djsatomi: end mid
(44:53 / Allied) stonerway7: pUSH
(44:55 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: 5k from an investment
(45:00 / Allied) djsatomi: lina
(45:01 / Allied) Tulipwn: which investment?
(45:02 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: and 12.5 k from a house flip
(45:03 / Allied) djsatomi: why are u still typing
(45:05 / Allied) Tulipwn: wow sick
(45:06 / Allied) djsatomi: about bullshit
(45:07 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: money my brother borrowed
(45:09 / Allied) djsatomi: u and sniper reason we losing
(47:12 / Allied) djsatomi: useless
(47:13 / Allied) stonerway7: rax
(47:13 / Allied) djsatomi: trash
(47:13 / Allied) stonerway7: rax
(47:14 / Allied) djsatomi: team
(47:14 / Allied) stonerway7: 4 dead
(47:15 / Allied) djsatomi: as usual
(47:15 / Allied) P@MSEEZ: i had tped top when they started to push
(47:16 / Allied) djsatomi: gg
(47:35 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: we havn't fought as 5 in 15 mins
(47:37 / Allied) djsatomi: we have no thing to kill stormand spec
(47:40 / Allied) djsatomi: sniper is braindead
(47:41 / Allied) djsatomi: its gg
(47:51 / Allied) djsatomi: bkb
(47:53 / Allied) stonerway7: lina back
(47:54 / Allied) djsatomi: but too stupid
(47:55 / Allied) Tulipwn: too many lanes
(51:39 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: everywhere
(51:49 / Allied) djsatomi: useless techies sniper
(51:52 / Allied) djsatomi: cant do shit
(59:45 / Allied) Swift_Vengeance: quad kill
(59:48 / Allied) djsatomi: i cant do everytihng
(59:52 / Allied) djsatomi: u guys are too trash
(59:56 / Allied) djsatomi: cant tank
(59:58 / Allied) djsatomi: cant do damage
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 686176.w3g
(44:18 / All) Swift_Vengeance: i like the triple smurf accounts
(44:21 / All) Swift_Vengeance: for such a dead game
(44:24 / All) djsatomi: i was on ur team last game
(44:25 / All) Swift_Vengeance: thats pretty tryhard
(44:25 / All) djsatomi: u fucking retard
(44:31 / All) djsatomi: u were talkign about taxes
(44:33 / All) djsatomi: entire team
(44:36 / All) djsatomi: time
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687196.w3g
(03:33 / Allied) pede12: nice afking bro
(03:35 / Allied) pede12: -hhn
(03:45 / Allied) djsatomi: why are u mid
(03:47 / Allied) djsatomi: u stupid fuck
(16:12 / All) JustWarmingUp: polz vote
(16:14 / All) JustWarmingUp: afk an,d feed
(16:15 / All) djsatomi: fick u
(16:17 / All) djsatomi: im not voting
(16:18 / Allied) Blame_Me: -afk
(22:41 / Allied) pede12: he picked with chicken man
(22:41 / Allied) pede12: ..
(22:42 / Allied) djsatomi: why would u buy gem
(22:44 / Allied) djsatomi: u trash can?
(22:45 / Allied) KnuckleUp: fuck u
(22:47 / Allied) pede12: ah u got it
(27:07 / Allied) Blame_Me: dusa necro fuck us
(27:13 / All) djsatomi: pink is worst 2k elo player on ENT
(27:13 / Allied) pede12: and you
(27:14 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: techies real bad too
(27:14 / All) djsatomi: so shit
(28:30 / Allied) djsatomi: !unignore blame
(28:33 / Allied) djsatomi: u really like me?
(28:37 / All) djsatomi: dumb french trash?
(28:44 / All) Blame_Me: now u talking ?
(29:00 / All) djsatomi: barabesthero and azertkyer on same shit team
(29:00 / All) djsatomi: haha
(29:11 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: !ignore dj
(29:11 / All) KnuckleUp: Player [JustWarmingUp] has ignored player [djsatomi].
(29:18 / Allied) pede12: what a sad game
(29:24 / All) Blame_Me: t'es juste un pd toi
(29:33 / All) djsatomi: i dont speak french
(29:33 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: all top
(29:34 / Allied) JustWarmingUp: NW
(29:35 / All) djsatomi: dumb twat
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687349.w3g
(18:16) masterkiller killed Wl5P
(18:18 / Allied) djsatomi: man
(18:20 / Allied) djsatomi: u really suck dick
(18:24 / Allied) djsatomi: not helping u anymore
(18:27 / Allied) Tsakiv: !ping
(18:30 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore wi5
(18:31 / Allied) Wl5P: i would have died
(18:35 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore wl5p
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 687366.w3g
(10:27 / Allied) djsatomi: team of baboons xDD
(10:34 / Allied) tsunami510: that is u
(10:36 / Allied) tsunami510: no ward
(10:39 / Allied) djsatomi: 1-5
(10:41 / Allied) tsunami510: no gankl
(10:47 / Allied) tsunami510: and cry about 3-4 mid
(10:52 / Allied) djsatomi: trash stacker
(10:57 / Allied) djsatomi: !ignore tsu
(14:50 / Allied) TrumpWALL: !Scores
(14:56 / Allied) dumpster_: omw riki
(15:05 / Allied) djsatomi: go man up
(15:07 / Allied) djsatomi: u fuckign pussy bat
(25:49 / Allied) djsatomi: ok
(25:53 / Allied) djsatomi: potm, sil, les
(25:54 / Allied) TrumpWALL: that5 boring
(25:55 / Allied) djsatomi: all noobs
(25:56 / Allied) TrumpWALL: ea5y game5 5uck
(25:57 / Allied) djsatomi: mental note
Any further thoughts:
insulting/Trash talking/refuse to vk
After listening his trash talk for about a year, even though I'm moderate person, I'm posting this.
I can prepare much more if anyone of admins want more evidence. I already made a function for scrapping and search for 'shit'/'trash'/'fuck'/'moron' etc. It's an alt+enter job for me now. Anyways, if this is not an excessive insulting, please let me know so that I can elaborate my thoughts and provide other evidences.