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Request: cowpox

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:48 am
by bhenchod
Replay Link: ?
Game Name: I dont remember which number
Your Warcraft III Username: buttSex
Violator's Warcraft III Username: cowpox
Violated Rule(s): constant in game flaming.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): started this game around 10pm PST.
Any further thoughts: This guy is nonstop flame. Blames his team for everything and every so often refused to help SF (username: blankblank)

Re: Request: cowpox

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:37 am
by artifacts
The request needs to be filled out correctly or the mods cant review it man, just a heads up. @bhenchod

Re: Request: cowpox

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:24 am
by bhenchod
understood, not sure how to remember the name of the game. Numbers always switch.

Re: Request: cowpox

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:16 pm
by nitromon
bhenchod wrote:understood, not sure how to remember the name of the game. Numbers always switch.

Go to "user stats" enter your username and then go through each game until you find it.

It is one with cowpox and a SF name blankblank: ... 694734.w3g

I played with cowpox before and he also flamed, however he's not any worse than most flamers that's why I never posted a BRQ on him.

He's not any worse than you. You should be ashamed for posting this.

Compare Him:
(13:02 / All) cowpox: im going to rape u bitch
(13:09 / All) cowpox: 4v5 wont save u
13:23 / All) cowpox: i already did that to ur mom

And you:
(28:59 / Allied) buttSex: fag cant even land a call
(30:52 / Allied) buttSex: god ur mother must love you
(30:57 / Allied) buttSex: and i mean really love u
(31:05 / Allied) buttSex: sucha dipshit kid u must be

(16:18 / Allied) cowpox: fight u niggers

(18:55 / Allied) buttSex: stay with team faggot

Ridiculous. Either ban both of you or just let it go. Play the game and keep the trash to a min, thanks.

Re: Request: cowpox

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 4:13 am
by Astros
banned 2 days