[DOTA] trczapre9886, azxcvb @ entconnect

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[DOTA] trczapre9886, azxcvb @ entconnect

Postby 3andommo » Sun May 12, 2019 9:40 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11729758
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #34
Your Warcraft III Username: 3andommo
Violator's Warcraft III Username: trczapre9886, azxcvb
Violated Rule(s): throwing
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 21 and up
Any further thoughts: telsba, entadminssuck, darksoui ddidnt pass the VK call mutiple times

(21:22 / Allied) 3andommo: u will mid?
(22:27 / Allied) 3andommo: axe?
(22:30 / Allied) 3andommo: u throwing?
(22:33 / Allied) trczapre9886: nah
(22:36 / Allied) trczapre9886: i told
(22:38 / Allied) trczapre9886: u i was gonna farm
(22:42 / Allied) telsba: STTAKC
(22:43 / Allied) trczapre9886: bitches don wanna push
(22:44 / Allied) trczapre9886: ill farm
(22:44 / Allied) trczapre9886: then
(22:45) telsba killed ---888---
(22:47 / Allied) telsba: holy fuck
(22:49 / Allied) trczapre9886: so u can be 4 vs 4
(22:57 / Allied) 3andommo: !timestamp

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Re: [DOTA] trczapre9886, azxcvb @ entconnect

Postby nitehawk » Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:47 am

I did not see any intentional throw on azxcvb, hes just very bad player .
Please provide more timestamps if you think he is throwing.

as for trczapre, 22:33- refuses to push team goes to woods farm.
admits to not pushing with team, but scourge team was poorly played. I would give axe warning .

there was not enough evidence to votekick pa. request should be denied

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Re: [DOTA] trczapre9886, azxcvb @ entconnect

Postby SnowwyWolf » Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:34 pm

I did not see any intentional throw on azxcvb, hes just very bad player .
Please provide more timestamps if you think he is throwing.

as for trczapre, 22:33- refuses to push team goes to woods farm.
admits to not pushing with team, but scourge team was poorly played. I would give axe warning .

there was not enough evidence to votekick pa. request should be denied

Sums it up nicely, denied.

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