Mixture of faults on both ends
Snowmen88 fails to announce his going AFK during lobby and 4 minutes into the game.
Regarding the votekick, game could have just as easily been drawn instead of kicking the user. User had also returned during the time he was kicked.
Code: Select all
(03:49 / Allied) Snowmen88: damn no one paused for me =T
(03:55 / Allied) Snowmen88: !draw
(03:55 / All) alex9: Player [Snowmen88] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:07 / All) Snowmen88: i went to shit and no one paused for me
(04:33 / All) pindleskin: !VOTEKICK SNOW
(04:33 / All) alex9: A votekick against player [Snowmen88] has been started by player [pindleskin]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(04:33 / All) alex9: Type !yes to vote.
(04:33 / All) alex9: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(04:34 / All) Snowmen88: i heard the chicken and wipe my ass as fast as i can but rd 2 already
(04:48 / Allied) Bournen: !yes
(04:48 / All) alex9: Player [Bournen] voted to kick player [Snowmen88]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(04:49 / All) GOODFIT: !yes
(04:49 / All) alex9: Player [GOODFIT] voted to kick player [Snowmen88]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(04:50 / Allied) hinterdir: !yes
(04:50 / All) alex9: Player [hinterdir] voted to kick player [Snowmen88]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(05:10 / All) pindleskin: TYPE !YES PLZ
(05:17 / All) alex9: ill hit !yes when orange hits !yes
(05:23 / Allied) kamparo: !yes
(05:23 / All) alex9: Player [kamparo] voted to kick player [Snowmen88]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(05:25 / Allied) alex9: !yes
(05:25 / All) alex9: A votekick against player [Snowmen88] has passed.
(05:25 / All) alex9: Snowmen88 was kicked by vote.
(05:25 / QUIT) Snowmen88: Left
At this point, can't ban one without banning the other, and just a large amount of faults.
I'll give warnings to all parties involved, including the user who was AFK for 4+ minutes without announcing.