Thank you as always Falenga, will work on it.
@edit, @Falenga, these are the timestamps:
9:42 - instead of pushing bot tower after 9:41 minutes farming there, he goes neut.
10:20 - engage mid and then he returns back bot fully aware that there is an actual engage mid. This goes on till 11:40 more or less.
12:30 - he tries to engage, sees bara coming, he steps back.
13:40 - engage bot, 1 void, then he start killing neuts instead of diving like bara.
14:40 - engage bot fully aware again, he goes back to farm woods.
15:03 - even after several pings, he decides to go farm mid.
15:35 - for the lols , he states: i cannot help you bara.
16:43 - this time actually he voids for last hit rhasta.
17:35 - fully aware, this time he also helps chasing gondar.
22:00 - full hp going back to base seeing his allies going to engage top. This lasts till 23:00
23:13 - even allies are telling him to help, he troll states again "i am pushing lane" while being in tower 1 at bot being sent.
24:00 to 26:03 - enemy team pushing, allies defending. He plays behind slark. Lets rhasta ult. Does not hit a single time.
27:13 - Several pings again, all the sentinel bot except him, that decides to farm mid again.
27:43 - Even is clearly stated, push, he moves from mid to top to keep farming.
28:00 - Pinging him again for help. Ignored.
28:30 - Enemy team rax. Again, he does not do anything but wait behind his teammates.
30:53 - He helps bara.
31:04 - Dies while moving in circles to rhasta ult with no hero close by him. Sven came later but did not hit him.
32:30 - Ping top, he goes bot. Tue that this is not 100% clear. I myself stated that need mana some seconds after.
34:19 - Engange top, he tps. takes 1 stunt, then he backs again without fighting.
37:19 - Engage bot, I decide to go in since he is not tanking, assuming because he has no bkb. I die while he is killing rhasta ult instead of cooperating at least in silencing some1.
37:34 - With 3 allies dead and 2 enemy team heros in red, he decides to hit exactly 8 times. Then doc comes after sven stunt and he again lets his teammate die.
38:03 - After enemy heros have no more cast, he voids to try to last hit.
40:03 - After seeing the team going bot, he decides to farm top.
41:34 - This time actually he stands in the middle of the enemy heros, gets stunned and bs ultied. He dies.
I want to point the "fully aware" keyword and also point his previous game and his previous build with the same hero. All of these timestamps + 2 facts lead me to post in the forum.
He is no new player, he was perfectly aware what he was doing and he intentionally played that way.
Sorry if i overextended.
Thank you again for your time;
PS: This is his previous game: the builds.