[DOTA] [Sinju@entconnect] !ff grief
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:23 am
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/11773330/
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #14
Your Warcraft III Username: pugnasostrong
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sinju, buttflapper, tusanik, and doubledee
Violated Rule(s): ff grief, convincing team to give up before game was even close to being finished...
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(14:51 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(26:31 / Allied) Tusanik: !ff
(26:39 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(26:55 / All) Doubledee: lets all ff
(31:49 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(32:31 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(32:45 / Allied) Sinju: slark is rigged hero
(32:47 / Allied) Sinju: just ff
(33:20 / Allied) Tusanik: !ff
(33:25 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(33:26 / Allied) Sinju: tiny ff
(33:27 / Allied) Sinju: its over
(33:53 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(33:57 / Allied) Sinju: wp tiny
(33:58 / Allied) Sinju: slark op
(33:59 / Allied) Sinju: !FF it
(34:42 / Allied) Sinju: tiny ?
(35:14 / Allied) Sinju: Tiny can you ff it? waste of time
(35:19 / Allied) ButtFlapper: !FF
Any further thoughts: Game wasn't even close to being over. We had a spec, tiny and ember spirit, and they hadn't taken a single lane of rax, only a t3 tower. This motherfucker convinced our team to ff, when i might have been able to win it. Plz ban this toxic motherfucker, for ffing everytime he doesnt have his way. So sick of him joining games and ruining. From minute 1, watch mid lane, he just sits afk auto attacking creeps, making it impossible for me to farm, and then uses 1 spell when i go on sf. After, he sits in lane draining xp and then wants to ff every time he dies. Dumb fucking, plz punish him. Claims "best ENT player, but gives up once he dies once to slark".
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #14
Your Warcraft III Username: pugnasostrong
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sinju, buttflapper, tusanik, and doubledee
Violated Rule(s): ff grief, convincing team to give up before game was even close to being finished...
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(14:51 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(26:31 / Allied) Tusanik: !ff
(26:39 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(26:55 / All) Doubledee: lets all ff
(31:49 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(32:31 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(32:45 / Allied) Sinju: slark is rigged hero
(32:47 / Allied) Sinju: just ff
(33:20 / Allied) Tusanik: !ff
(33:25 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(33:26 / Allied) Sinju: tiny ff
(33:27 / Allied) Sinju: its over
(33:53 / Allied) Sinju: !FF
(33:57 / Allied) Sinju: wp tiny
(33:58 / Allied) Sinju: slark op
(33:59 / Allied) Sinju: !FF it
(34:42 / Allied) Sinju: tiny ?
(35:14 / Allied) Sinju: Tiny can you ff it? waste of time
(35:19 / Allied) ButtFlapper: !FF
Any further thoughts: Game wasn't even close to being over. We had a spec, tiny and ember spirit, and they hadn't taken a single lane of rax, only a t3 tower. This motherfucker convinced our team to ff, when i might have been able to win it. Plz ban this toxic motherfucker, for ffing everytime he doesnt have his way. So sick of him joining games and ruining. From minute 1, watch mid lane, he just sits afk auto attacking creeps, making it impossible for me to farm, and then uses 1 spell when i go on sf. After, he sits in lane draining xp and then wants to ff every time he dies. Dumb fucking, plz punish him. Claims "best ENT player, but gives up once he dies once to slark".