Replay Link: ... 774073.w3g
Game Name: DotA apem us/ca #67
Your Warcraft III Username: Stefan_89
Violator's Warcraft III Username: mr_kobayashi
Violated Rule(s): refusing to defend, throwing
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 40-41
Any further thoughts:
LC refused to defend mid rax. We were all bot pushing and said before in chat that we need tp in case sents try to rax mid. We all 4 succesfully tp to base trying to defend while LC decides to walk from bot lane twr to mid raxes. He had a tp and as far as I rembeber it was not on cd so there is no excuse why he didnt came earlier.
(39:35 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: carry one tp
(39:59 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: they are mid
(40:00 / Allied) Stefan_89: def mid
(40:58 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: lc comes now
(41:00 / Allied) Stefan_89: is not like he had a tp
[DOTA] [mr_kobayashi]
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